Expressing Congratulations Primary 5 (Basic 5) Term 3 Week 2 English Speech Work












By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils should have attained the following objectives –

1. Express congratulatory message informal or casual situations.

2. Give correct answers to comprehension passages.




The pupils know how to express a congratulations to someone who has just gave birth or celebrating their birthday.



The teacher will teach the lesson with the aid of:

Course book

Relevant passages from other sources

Recorded cassette and player




Choose a suitable and appropriate methods for the lessons.

Note – Irrespective of choosing methods of teaching, always introduce an activities that will arouse pupil’s interest or lead them to the lessons. 




Scheme of Work

9 – Years Basic Education Curriculum

Course Book

All Relevant Material

Online Information






Major life events merit congratulations and encouragement.


Your expression of shared happiness adds to the enjoyment of a special moment.

When you want to tell someone their life achievement is worth celebrating, it’s typical to offer a note of congratulations.

Saying ‘congratulations’ can be shorten to a simple word, ‘Congrats!’

Congratulations is an expression that communicate how you are pleased with other people success, achievement or happiness. 

Expressing Congratulations can be informal or causal in context to Classmates  Friends Acquaintance, Relations, etc.

For example, congratulating friend –

  • who has just won a contract or medal in sport,
  • has a new baby,
  • bought a new house or car,
  • got a promotion, etc.



1. A friend who has won a medal

  • Hard work truly paid off, congratulations on touching new heights!
  • Congratulations and good wishes to you, may you always succeed in your goals.

For more visit – 43 Greetings


2. A new baby

  • So happy for yyou two! That’s going to be one lucky baby.
  • Ahhh! Freaking out over here. Congratulations, you guys!
  • You two deserve every bit of happiness this baby is going to bring you.
  • So many happy and wonder-filled times ahead for you…congratulations.

For more visit – Hallmark


3. Promotion

  • Congratulations on getting promoted! You are such an inspiration, and I’m so proud of what you’ve accomplished. I can’t wait to see you accomplish even more with this promotion. Good luck!
  • Congratulations on getting a promotion. You’ve become such a valued member of this team. I wish you great success in this new role and look forward to working more closely with you moving forward in your new role.

For more visit – 101 Congratulations 


4. New house or car

  • It’s simply amazing how you’ve left the inconveniences in public transport to the ease of using your car, any day, any time and to any place. For that, I say congratulations to you. Have fun, dear.
  • Your choice of a new ride shows how classy and regal you are. I wouldn’t have even thought of such a beauty if I were in your shoes. Congrats, friend.


For more visit – Havkstrive

  • What an exciting move — congrats!
  • Congrats on the big move! Have fun making new memories together in such a wonderful location.

For more visit – Stationery



To deliver the lesson, the teacher adopts the following steps:

1. To introduce the lesson, the teacher revises the previous lesson. Based on this, he/she asks the pupils some questions;

2. Teacher organizes pupils in groups or pairs depending on the size of the class.

3. Teacher displays chart showing a new baby, car house, medal, etc.

4. Teacher asks pupils demonstrate how to say congratulations to someone who has of the content of the chart. Note – Depending on the background, allow the use local language to express congratulations and guide them to say it correctly on english.

Pupil’s Activities – Demonstrate how to express congratulations.

5. Teacher uses the chart and pupil’s responses to introduce the lesson and lead a discussion on expressing congratulations.


Pay attention to the lesson introduction to understand the concept of the lesson.

6. Teacher guides pupils to express congratulations on different occasions.

Pupil’s Activities – Say a simple congratulations.

7. Teacher reads the passage containing correct expressions of congratulations.

Pupil’s Activities – Discuss the topic in the passage.

8. Teacher plays the cassette based on the use of expression.

Pupil’s Activities – Listen to the cassette based on the use of expression of congratulations.

9. Teacher lets the pupils read the passage and do comprehension exercises on it.

Pupil’s Activities – Read the passage and answer the questions on the comprehension passage.

10. Teacher summarizes the lesson on the board using appropriate lesson evaluation.

Pupil’s Activities – Participate actively in the summary of the lesson by responding correctly to questions and write as instructed.



To conclude the lesson for the week, the teacher revises the entire lesson and links it to the following week’s lesson.




Teacher asks pupils to, 

1. Express congratulatory message.

2. Give correct answers to comprehension passages.