Category: Goodreads

What is an Investigation and the Role of the Investigator in Nigeria? Senate Steps Down Bill To License Private Investigators

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Meaning and Types of Investigation 2. Who is An Investigator and the Roles of Investigators 3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Public and Private Investigator 4. Benefits and Challenges of Facing Investigation 5. Reasons Why Senate reject Bill on Private Investigator   MEANING AND TYPES OF INVESTIGATIONS WHAT IS INVESTIGATION?  Investigation refers

Physical Fitness Activities – Health Benefits and Physical Activities that can Improve Physical Fitness, Feel Better and Have Fun

PHYSICAL FITNESS ACTIVITIES Physical fitness refers to a person’s ability to perform various physical activities and tasks with ease and efficiency. It includes various components such as cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, and body composition. Being physically fit can improve overall health, increase energy levels, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Regular participation in

Operations of Financial Technology (FinTech) Companies in Nigeria

FINTECH COMPANIES IN NIGERIA Fintech companies are financial technology companies that specialize in developing innovative financial products and services using technology. These companies leverage technology to improve and streamline financial services, making them more efficient, accessible, and affordable. Fintech companies in Nigeria are helping to revolutionize the financial sector by providing convenient and affordable financial

The Past, Present and Future – Change is Inevitable

Remember the Kodak company? In 1997, Kodak had about 160,000 employees and about 85% of the world’s photography was done with Kodak cameras. With the rise of mobile cameras over the past few years, Kodak Camera Company is out of the market. Even Kodak went completely bankrupt and all his employees were fired. At the