100 Questions and Answers on Federal Public Service Rules Free Pdf Download
1. ______ is the absence of an officer from duty for a period specified in PSR 100203.
A. Leave of absence
B. Pre-retirement leave
C. Study leave
D. Annual leave
2. In Rule 100102 __________ is a place where an officer could be reached during his/her leave period.
A. Annual leave
B. Sick leave
C. Leave year
D. Leave address
3. ______ shall be paid to staff not occupying government quarters in lump sumat the beginning of the year?
A. Utilities allowance
B. Rent subsidy
C. Hazard allowance
D. Acting allowance
4. PSR. 020209, all officers are ensures to sign ______ on security Form 1.
A. Appointment letter
B. Letter of accommodation
C. Oath of secrecy
D. Internal memo
5. ______ is the permanent release of an officer from one scheduled service to another or from one class to another within the same service? (P.S.R. 020501).
A. Transfer
B. Re-arrangement
C. Business trip
D. Holiday
6. According to P.S.R. 030301 ______ is defined as a specific at wrong-doing or improper behaviour which is inimical to the image of the service which can be investigated and proved, it can also lead to termination and retirement?
A. Inefficiency
B. Misconduct
C. Offence
D. Retirement
7. All are types of misconduct except ______.
A. Unruly behaviour
B. Foul language
C. Murder
D. Negligence
8. ______ is predetermined amount added to the annual emolument of an officer every calendar year.
A. Annual salary
B. Yearly emolument
C. Increments
D. Increments
9. Based on P.S.R. 060205 time holding confirmation examination shall be ______.
A. Held once in a year in the last quarter of every year
B. Twice in a year 2nd and 3rd quarter of every year
C. Once in a year in the first quarter of every year
D. Twice in a year, 1st and 2nd quarter of every year.
10. The following are the prescribed examination for executive officers (P.S.R 060302).
A. Public Service Rule and Financial Regulation B. Public Administration and Financial Regulation
C. Financial Regulation and Civil Service Regulations
D. Financial Regulations and Code of Conducts
100 Questions and Answers on Federal Public Service Rules Free Pdf Download
11. The following persons except, when travelling by air, and land or sea at government expenses will be eligible for free insurance cover to concerned (P.S.R. 080203).
A. Staff
B. Domestic Worker
C. Wife and Child
D. Child and Staff
12. Base on P.S.R. 10024, all except one are types of study leave.
A. In-service training
B. Studying leave with pay
C. Studying leave without pay
D. Studying leave for retirement
13. In P.S.R. 130121, the circumstances in which officers can work overtime are as follows except?
A. Rain falls
B. Snow covered the road
C. Birthday ceremony’s days
D. Holidays falls
14. In P.S.R. 13021, the circumstance in which officers can work overtime are as follows except?
A. Officers attached to top management /officials
B. On special assignment, eg. Conference, Committee
C. Period of closing annual account
D. Period during annual leave
15. In P.S.R. 160102, One of these is classified in to the categories of parastatals.
A. Security Agencies
B. Medical Practitioners
C. Ministry of justice
D. Teaching and non teaching staffs
16. According to P.S.R. 160102, A ______ is a government owned organization established by statue to render specified service(s) of the public?
A. Ministries
B. Financial institutions
C. Parastatals
D. Delegated legislature
17. ______ is a body or organ which enjoys continuity of existence, essentially covers ministries and extra- ministerial offices.
A. Organization of African Unity (OAU)
B. World Health Organization (WHO)
C. Civil Service
D. Military
18. With the provision of P.S.R. 020106 seniority in any department shall be determined by the?
A. Entry date/the assumption of duty certified by authority in appropriate register.
B. Date of re-instatement
C. Date of re-engagement
D. Date of promotion
19. In P.S.R 020202- Direct appointment to the Federal Public Service may be in the following categories except ______.
A. As trainee or pupils
B. On probation in a pensionable post
C. On contract appointment
D. Acting appointment
20. Under which provision of P.S.R. states that no fine shall be imposed on any officer as a punishment for an offence committed in the course of his/her duties ______.
A. 021210
B. 030309
C. 030314
D. 020200
1. D
2. D
3. B
4. C
5. A
6. B
7. C
8. C
9. A
10. A
11. C
12. D
13. D
14. D
15. A
16. C
17. C
18. A
19. C
20. B
21. According to P.S.R. 030421- part 1, paragraph A., officer can act as the editor or take part directly or indirectly in the management of or in anyway make financial contribution to the following except ______.
A. Department or staff magazine
B. National Newspaper
C. Professional journal
D. Publication of voluntary organization
22. Under which provision of P.S.R. states that no officer shall undertake any private agency in any matter connected with the exercise of his/her duties.
A. 020100
B. 010203
C. 020101
D. 030430
23. P.S.R. 030434 states; in other to improve public service management, and enhance accountability and transparency, no officer shall received
A. Leave allowance
B. Any bribe or engaged in corrupt practices
C. Gratification
D. Mobilization fees
24. According to P.S.R. 040203- the increment date of an officer appointed or promoted to post in the Federal Public Service shall be ______ following at least six months of service on promotion?
A. Date of last promotion
B. Date of entry into the service
C. 31st December of the year
D. 1st January of the year
25. In P.S.R. 050201- Progress report are to provide one of the following in respect of office on probation or initial contract ______ on which to judge his/her suitability for confirm.
A.Conduct and Capabilities
B. Date of retirement
C. Administration of Oath of secrecy
D. Declaration to the code of conduct bureau
26. Under which provision of P.S.R. States that public officer is not prohibited form holding shares of public and private companies operating in Nigeria or abroad?
A. PSR 030423
B. PSR 030425
C. PSR 030424
D. PSR 030422
27. What is the full meaning of A.P.E.R?
A. Annual Pay Emolument of Rent
B. Annual Pay Emolument of Report
C. Annual Performance of Examination Report
D. Annual Performance evaluation Report
28. Which section according to P.S.R. States when an officer supposed to get an increment on salary?
A. PSR 020407
B. PSR 020408
C. PSR 020409
D. PSR 020410
29. Section 020501 of P.S.R. defines ______.
A. Promotion
B. Transfer
C. Dismissal
D. Leave
30. What sort of promotion is given to an officer who has completed the probation period specified in P. S.R. 020301?
A. Senior promotion
B. Normal promotion
C. Notional promotion
D. Abnormal promotion
31. Which rule of P.S.R. defined termination?
A. 020801
B. 020802
C. 020803
D. 020804
32. According to P.S.R. 020810- compulsory retirement age of all grades in the services are ______.
A. 60 years or 35 years of pensionable services
B. 35 years or 60 years of pensionable services
C. 15 years of pensionable services
D. 60 years or 10 years of pensionable services
33. According to P.S.R. 020903, the main purpose of certificate of service is that it may be used as ______.
A. Reference when seeking other employment
B. Record keeping
C. For retirement purpose
D. For insurance entitlement
34. Which form can be used for certificate of service for level 07 and above according to P.S. R. 020904?
A. Gen 60
B. Gen 58
C. Gen 62
D. Gen 50
35. When travelling on duty away from duty post, the person engaged shall be entitle to ______.
A. Pension allowance
B. Duty tour allowance
C. Travelling allowance D. Welfare allowance
36. Which P.S.R. define general efficiency?
A. 030101
B. 030102
C. 030201
D. 030202
37. No female public service shall be entitle to resign her appointment or retire by reason of pregnancy alone, under which section of P.S.R. this can be found in ______.
A. P.S.R 030205
B. P.S.R 030204
C. P.S.R 030203
D. P.S.R 030202
38. Below are the scandals conduct that constitute misconduct P.S.R 030301 except ______.
A. Drunkenness
B. Malingering
C. Sick
D. Dishonesty
39. P.S.R. 030401 defines ______ as a specific act of very serious wrong-doing and improper behaviour which inimical to the image of the service and which can be investigated and if proven may lead to dismissal.
A. Misconduct
B. Gross misconduct
C. Serious misconduct
D. Minor misconduct
40. Which P.S.R. mentioned an act of serious misconduct?
A. 030401
B. 030404
C. 030402
D. 030403
21. B
22. B
23. B
24. D
25. A
26. C
27. D
28. D
29. D
30. C
31. C
32. A
33. A
34. B
35. C
36. C
37. B
38. C
39. C
40. B
41. According to P.S.R. 030412, which punishment should be award to any officer who absence from duty without leave.
A. Reduction in rank
B. Dismissal
C. Deserter
D. Major entry
42. Any officer who want to seek elective public office shall resign his/her appointment forthwith, under which P.S.R.?
A. 030424
B. 030422
C. 030423
D. 030425
43. A public officer cannot be directors in private companies, he/she can hold shares or be a director in under which P.S.R.
A. 030421
B. 030422
C. 030423
D. 030424
44. Which P.S.R. emphasis on prohibition of bribery and corruption A. 030434?
B. 030435
C. 030431
D. 030433
45. When is officer supposed to expect increment payment after promotion P.S.R. 040203?
A. After a year
B. 1st January of the year
C. Before the runs out
D. Immediately after promotion
46. Increment is a predetermined amount added to the annual emolument of an officer every calendar year which P.S.R. code?
A. 040204
B. 040203
C. 040202
D. 040201
47. Failure to pass confirmation examination after three consecutive attempts is liable to ______ P.S.R. 060203
A. Dismissal
B. Retired
C. Resign
D. Reduction in rank
48. All the below are under P.S.R. 070101 except ______.
A. Health care provider
B. Hospital
C. Medical officer
D. Drugs
49. Below are medical documents to be treated as confidential in P.S.R. 070103 except
A. Medical certificate
B. Dental treatment records
C. Drug prescription
D. Reports of medical boards
50. Which section of P.S.R. describes NHIS?
A. 070202
B. 070203
C. 070201
D. 070204
51. Below are the documents to provide when any officer have been prolonged absence from duty on the ground of illness except ______.
A. Excuse duty certificate B. Medical bills
C. Light duty certificate
D. Medical certificate
52. The maximum aggregate sick leave which can be allowed an officer who is not hospitalized during any period of twelve months as contain in P.S.R. 070316 is ______.
A. 21 calendar days
B. 42 calendar days
C. 60 calendar days
D. 14 calendar days
53. Which section of P.S.R. discuss the death while in service?
A. 080101
B. 080201
C. 080202
D. 080203
54. ______ is a formal appeal to estimate authority, that is, to the head of government for special consideration of matter affecting an officer personally. It must be distinguished from a letter of representation addressed to an appropriate senior officer of government in the normal way
A. Charge sheet
B. Report
C. Petition
D. Amendment of law
55. An officer’s increment is deferred when the decision as to whether or not if it shall be granted is postponed for a specific period called ______.
A. Deferred increment B. Public property
C. Pay well job
D. Sabotage
56. An officer’s increment withheld when it is decided not to grant it and that held shall cease to be eligible thereof until next increment date is called ______.
A. Deferred increment
B. Withheld increment C. Penalty imposes
D. Accounting
57. A staff that ranks as such for the purpose of pension in accordance with the pension reform Act 2004 is called ______.
A. Officer
B. Staff
C. Expatriate officer
D. Account
58. The ground for withholding or deferring increment can be found in P.S.R code.
A. 040204
B. 040420
C. 020404
D. 022004
59. The series of omission or incompetence the cumulative effect of which shows that the officer is not capable of discharging efficiently can be found under which P.S.R. code ______.
A. 020301
B. 010203
C. 030201
D. 020301
60. Before proceeding for the removal of an officer for general inefficiency maybe commenced he/she must have been three occasion committed under ______.
A. P.S.R. 030203
B. P.S.R. 010202
C. P.S.R. 030302
D. P.S.R. 020303
41. B
42. D
43. D
44. B
45. B
46. D
47. C
47. C
48. D
49. C
50. C
51. B
52. B
53. B
54. C
55. A
56. B
57. C
58. C
QUESTION 61 – 80
61. This is to enable officers pay lodging and feeding expenses during official tours approved by the official authority is called
A. Duty tour allowance
B. Tour allowance duty
C. Allowance duty tour
D. Allowance duty expenses
62. Twelve weeks maternity leave of a woman staff pregnant entitle to 16 weeks maternity leave and not less than weeks from expected date of delivery with full salary P.S.R. code ______.
A. P.S.R. 200216
B. P.S.R. 200316
C. P.S.R. 100218
D. P.S.R. 300216
63. The aggregate sick leave which can be allowed an officer who is not hospitalized during any period of twelve month shall be given forty-two calendar days which of the P.S.R. code ______.
A. 062231
B. 100218
C. 200218
D. 100318
64. This is the additional time spent outside the approved time of work called ______.
A. Under time allowance B. Under time gift
C. Over time allowance
D. Over time gift
65. The hotel accommodation allowance for officer newly appointed shall be eligible for hotel accommodation for 28 days in lieu of hotel accommodation in which P.S.R. code ______.
A. 501301
B. 105130
C. 130105
D. 135010
66. Officer permitted to attend a course of instruction will refund to government all expenses connected therewith, under which P.S.R. code ______.
A. 120301
B. 301120
C. 120031
D. 201301
67. The officer required to give three (3) months notice to retire from service before the effective date if retirement is known as ______.
A. Casual leave
B. Sick leave
C. Terminal leave
D. Sport leave
68. The absence of an officer on grade level 15 or equivalent and above from duty for the purpose of research either within or outside Nigeria is called ______.
A. Sick leave
B. Relieved leave
C. Sabbatical leave
D. Study leave
69. Study leave is the leave granted to a confirmed serving officer to undertake an approved course of study within or outside the country under which P.S.R. code ______.
A. 228100
B. 232100
C. 100223
D. 310022
70. The condition under approval of study without pay can be found under which P.S.R. code ______.
A. 228100
B. 100228
C. 202288
D. 101022
71. Study leave with pay shall be granted to an officer with normal emolument and allowance shall not exceed two year under which P.S.R. code ______.
A. 100226
B. 226100
C. 100622
D. 610021
72. The authorized absence of an officer from duty specific period is known as ______.
A. Tax
B. Transfer
C. Leave
D. Relocate
73. Below are the definition of transfer P.S.R. 130133 except ______.
A. Transfer from station to another during a tour of service
B. Transfer from one station to another on return from leave
C. Transfer or secondment from the services of another government in the federation
D. Removed from one section to another
74. A place where an officer could be reached during his/her leave period is called ______.
A. Market address
B. House address
C. Leave address
D. Hospital address
75. Any leave due to an officer in a year for the service rendered to government is called ______.
A. Earned leave
B. Account leave
C. Tax leave
D. Revenue leave
76. The resumption expired date of duty can be found under which P.S.R. code ______.
A. 105100
B. 100105
C. 501100
D. 500100
77. The authorized absence of the an officer from duty for specific period under which P.S.R. code ______.
A. 101100
B. 100101
C. 002311
D. 100201
78. Below are circumstance in which officers can work overtime P.R.S 130121 except ______.
A. On special assignment
B. Period of budgetary preparation
C. Period of closing of annual account
D. When your relieve is not around
79. Form Gen. 60 is a staff record form according to which P.S.R code ______.
A. 020208
B. 200208
C. 208200
D. 802001
80. The ways of communication in civil service is ______.
A. By handing over note
B. Movement
C. Sender
D. Non of the above
61 – 100 ANSWER KEYS
61. A
62. C
63. B
64. C
65. A
66. A
67. C
68. C
69. B
70. B
71. A
72. C
73. D
74. C
75. A
76. B
77. B
78. B
79. A
80. A
81. The summary of important subject matters attention is called ______.
A. Account
B. Briefs
C. Data
D. Subject
82. A statement of facts which can be issued to send ideas, findings and recommendation after investigations of a specific assignment called ______.
A. Briefs
B. Report
C. Circular
D. Letter
83. The two critical areas used in APPEAR forms is called ______.
A. Excellent and good
B. Excellent and fair
C. Excellent and bad
D. Good and bad
84. A set of write up that serves as an instrument notes for an officer to comply with them performing his/her official duty is called ______.
A. Notes for guidance
B. Treasure
C. Contract
D. Register
85. An officer who has passed the compulsory examination for confirmation in the service shall be eligible for promotion under which P.S.R. code?
A. 020707
B. 203001
C. 34101
D. 010700
86. All officers appointed to the foreign service in whatever branch or grade are eligible for service abroad is stated under which P.R.S. code?
A. 020707
B. 203001
C. 340101
D. 020700
87. Identity of petition includes the following except ______.
A. Full name
B. Staff number
C. Signature and address
D. Pay slip
88. Petition can be disqualified, if it contain the below quality according to rule 090208 except ______.
A. Is illegal or meaningless
B. Does not comply with rule 090201
C. Must be abusive
D. Deals with a case in which legal action is pending in a court of law
89. The absence of an officer from duty for period specified in rule 100203 as may authorized by a superior officer according to rule 100202 is called ______.
A. Sick leave
B. Maternity leave
C. Annual leave
D. Casual leave
90. When will an officer qualified to take another annual leave after the previous one as contain in the PSR 100203 ______.
A. Six months
B. A year
C. Three months
D. None months
91. _______ is a vacation granted to a new or retiring officer in proportion to the number of days he/she has put into the services PSR 100211.
A. Annual leave
B. Study leave with pay
C. Pre-retirement leave
D. Proportionate leave
92. ______ is the absence of an officer from duty for a short period not exceeding an aggregate of seven (7) Calendar days within a leave year as may be authorized b y a superior officer PSR 100214.
A. Deferred leave
B. Casual leave
C. Maternity leave
D. Sabbatical leave
93. Types of study leaves as contain in PSR 100224 are as follows except ______.
A. In-service training
B. Study leave with pay
C. Out-service training
D. Study leave without pay
94. Below are occasion when officer shall be eligible for appropriate estacode allowance at the prevailing rates PSR 120101 ______.
A. To undertake special duty abroad
B. To discharge official duties during vacation leave abroad
C. To undertake annual leave abroad
D. To undertake course of instruction abroad
95. Who give approval to the overseas duty tour by public servants and extacode allowance PSR 120102?
A. Accountant General of the Federation
B. Auditor general of the Federation
C. Head of the civil service
D. Head of the chief of Army/Police
96. ______ is a monetary benefits other than salary granted to an officer for a special purpose PSR 130101.
A. Allowance
B. Promotion areas
C. Duty tour allowance
D. Welfare allowance
97. ______ is granted enable pay lodging and feeding expenses during official tours duly approved by the official authority PSR 130106.
A. Estacode allowance
B. Duty tour allowance
C. Kilometer allowance
D. Hotel allowance
98. ______ is a course which an officer takes locally in Nigeria but outside his/her station PSR 130113.
A. Orientation course
B. Human right course
C. Local course
D. Promotion course
99. Forms of award in PSR 150104 includes the following except ______.
A. Certificate
B. Medals
C. Shaking hands
D. Cash/gift
100. ______ is a government –owned organized establish by statute to render specified services (s) to the public PSR 160101.
A. Parastata
B. Allowance
C. Service
D. Award
81 – 100 ANSWER KEYS
81. B
82. B
83. A
84. A
85. A
86. A
87. D
88. C
89. C
90. D
91. D
92. C
93. D
94. C
95. D
96. A
97. B
98. C
99. C
100. A