JSS 3 BECE 2024 Prevocational Studies Basic Education Certificate Examination

Lagos State Examination Board JSS 3 Basic Education Certificate Examination BECE 2024



1. Agriculture is important to the farmer and his family because it provides them mainly with _____.

(a) food

(b) shelter

(e) raw material

(d) medical herbs


2. The major nutrient supplied by bonemeal in animal feed is _____.

(a) mineral

(b) fat

(c) protein

(d) vitamin


3. The bending of a mature branch or shoot, sown to the ground without breaking for the purpose of propagation is called _____.

(a) layering

(c) budding

(b) grafting

(d) cutting


4. An advantage of stock exchange in agriculture is that, it _____.

(a) reduces the migration of labour force

(b) helps in the yearly farm budget

(c) eliminates the hoarding of farm produce

(d) supports saving and investment by farmers


5. Pests are known as enemies of crops because they _____.

(a) pollute crops

(b) reduce monetary period

(c) increase weed infestation

(d) culture plants


6. Agriculture can be defined as the _____.

(a) growing of crops

(b) cultivation of crops and rearing of farm animal

(c) raising of cattle and goats

(d) keeping poultry birds


7. Which of the following is true about an entrepreneur as a factor of production? He _____.

(a) is involved in decision making

(b) receives reward in form of rent

(c) is paid based on man hour

(d) converts natural resources to products


8. The reward for land as a factor of production is _____.

(a) interest

(c) profit

(b) rent

(d) wages


9. The illegal hunting down of wild animals in a forest reserve is known as _____.

(a) pushing

(b) poaching

(c) game hunting

(d) prushing


10. Seeds are soaked in water for some hours before planting in order to _____.

(a) allow the seeds to absorb nutrient

(b) harden their coats

(c) kill disease pathogen

(d) make the seed to germinate faster


11. Bagging of produce as a post harvest operation is advantageous because it _____.

(a) makes sprayed insecticide effective

(b) makes unloading tedious from the crops

(c) enables easy transportation

(d) makes it expensive


12. An example of pre-planting operation is _____.

(a) bush clearing

(c) weeding

(b) staking

(d) thinning


13. A farm implement that is used daily in the nursery is _____.

(a) hand trowel

(b) watering can

(c) shear

(d) secateur


14. Which of the following insect pest causes defoliation of crops?

(a) Weevil

(c) Grass hopper

(b) Beetle

(d) Aphid


15. The commonly used bait for fishing is _____.

(a) plant

(b) insect

(c) tadpole

(d) earthworm


16. Which of the following is not a source of document in Book-Keeping?

(a) Cash book

(b) Purchase invoice

(c) Sales invoice

(d) Return outward


17. The marketing function of a farm manager is to _____.

(a) take possession of farm produce

(b) determine the scale production

(c) process and package farm produce

(d) direct day to day farm activities


18. Cribs are useful in the farm for the _____ of cereals.

(a) display

(b) storage

(c) marketing

(d) processing


19. Green and succulent forage crops preserved under anaerobic condition used for feeding livestock is called _____.

(a) hay

(b) roughage

(c) silage

(d) straw


20. Which of the following crops have leaves with net venation?

(a) Coconut

(b) Cowpea

(c) Rice

(d) Maize


21. The effect of chemical method of weed control on the environment is that, it leads to _____.

(a) increase in the population of soil organism

(b) reduction in crop yield

(c) stability in eco-system

(d) land pollution


22. In animal nutrition, roughage are high in _____.

(a) carbohydrate

(b) fat

(c) protein

(d) fibre


23. Which of the following is NOT a function of a farm manager?

(a) Controlling farm workers

(b) Coordinating farm activities

(c) Planting of vegetables

(d) Organising sales of farm produce


24. The advantage of propagating crops by seed is _____.

(a) yields are always uniform

(b) feeds germinate at the same time

(c) seeds are easy to transport

(d) new plants resemble the parent plants


25. Tillage operation has the following advantages EXCEPT it _____.

(a) makes penetration not easy

(b) allows survival of crop pest

(c) loosens the soil to fine fill

(d) ensures proper mixture of manures


26. An act of encouraging farmers to sell farm produce to other countries is _____.

(a) import

(b) foreign

(c) export

(d) exchange


27. The factor of production that co-ordinate other factors of production is _____.

(a) land

(b) entrepreneur

(c) labour

(d) fixed capital


28. Which of the following crops has its cotyledons above the soil surface during germination?

(a) Maize

(b) Onion

(c) Tomato

(d) Wheat


29. The branch of agriculture that deals with distribution and marketing of farm produce is called _____.

(a) crop production

(b) agricultural extension

(c) agric-economics

(d) animal production


30. Cattle that are used for ploughing the land are regarded as _____ animals.

(a) dairy

(b) guard

(c) working

(d) sporting


31. All of the following are not kept in the farm store EXCEPT _____.

(a) bulldozer

(b) feeds

(c) seeds

(d) mower


32. The process of preventing foreign pests and diseases is called _____.

(a) isolation

(b) prevention

(c) quarantine

(d) separation


33. Which of the following weeds is used in preparation of local tea in rural area?

(a) Goat weed

(b) Elephant grass

(c) Lemon grass

(d) Pig weed


34. The act of erective cover above seedlings to reduce heat radiation is termed _____.

(a) stalking

(b) shading

(c) mulching

(d) supplying


35. The major problem associated with vegetative propagation is that it _____.

(a) increases the maturity period

(b) may lead to low yield

(c) requires technical know-how

(d) leads to poor uniformity in growth


36. Which of the following is not a cultural practice in yam production?

(a) Clearing, stumping, ploughing, harrowing, ridging

(b) Clearing, ploughing, stumping, harrowing, ridging

(c) Stumping, clearing, ploughing, harrowing, ridging

(d) Clearing, ploughing, harrowing, ridging stumping


37. All are methods of seed dispersal EXCEPT _____.

(a) blast

(b) rain

(c) water

(d) cold


38. The main reason for storing the farm produce in the structure is to _____.

(a) control pest attack

(b) ensure proper ventilation

(c) increase size of produce

(d) reduce nutrient content of the produce


39. In which of the following ways can land depreciate it value?

(a) Bush fallowing

(b) Erosion menace

(c) Irrigation of land

(d) Drainage construction


40. Cartilaginous fishes are _____ fish.

(a) 2 bones

(c) straight bone

(b) boneless

(d) strong bone


41. Plants for beautification are called _____.

(a) abre plants

(b) ornamental plants

(c) latex plant

(d) stimulants plants


42. The cultivation of crops and rearing of livestock is termed _____.

(a) agronomy

(c) herticulture

(b) agriculture

(d) horticulture


43. The primary aim of domesticulture of animals is to help the farmer improve on _____.

(a) cultivation activities

(b) milk availability

(c) security services

(d) meat availability


44. The diseases that causes abortion at later hope of pregnancy in farm animal is called _____.

(a) anthrax

(b) mastitis

(c) brucellosis

(d) aspersillosis


45. Silos are maintained by _____.

(a) sealing the metal sheets

(b) replacing damaged metal sheets

(c) mending the broken parts of the floors

(d) demolishing and rebuilding it


46. Solvents, as cleaning agent remove dirt by _____.

(a) liquefying

(b) emulsifying

(c) solidifying

(d) polishing


47. _____ is an equipment found in the kitchen.

(a) Pillow

(b) Bed

(c) Dyeing & bleaching

(d) Clothing and textiles


48. The process of acquiring edible items through exchange of money is _____.

(a) handing

(c) production

(b) preservation

(d) purchasing


49. Which part is used to regulate tightness of stitches in a sewing machine?

(a) Presser bar

(c) Bobbin case

(b) Spool pin

(d) Tension disc


50. The essential things which the family requires for survival are called _____.

(a) knowledge

(c) standards

(b) needs

(d) goals


51. The desire for independence is highest at _____ stage.

(a) adolescent

(c) childhood

(b) adulthood

(d) maturity


52. One of the following is a shape of setting a kitchen.

(a) Circle

(c) U shape

(b) Hectagon

(d) Triangle


53. For washing up after meals preparation, hot soapy water is necessary to _____.

(a) rinse every items well

(b) wipe off any pieces of food

(c) remove grease from items

(d) scrape pieces of food off


54. Cooking methods include the following _____.

(a) frying

(b) steaming

(c) creaming

(d) stewing


55. One of these is not ideal for storing clothes.

(a) cupboard

(c) wardrobe

(b) jute bag

(d) box


56. _____ is a division of Home-Economics that deals with fabrics.

(a) Fashion designing

(b) Tie & dye

(c) Dyeing & bleaching

(d) Clothing and textiles


57. Which of the following is NOT used for reeling the thread in the sewing machine?

(a) Feed-dog

(c) Spool pin

(b) Presser foot

(d) Throat plate


58. The complete set of an adult teeth are _____ in number.

(a) 16

(b) 22

(c) 32

(d) 34


59. Pedicure is the act of caring for the _____ and _____.

(a) hands and foot nails

(b) feet and scalp

(c) eyebrow and scalp

(d) feet and foot nails


60. Contamination of foods can be prevented by _____.

(a) touching of hair before handling food

(b) leaving raw food uncovered

(c) cleaning and sanitizing waste bin regularly

(d) washing of hands occasionally


61. The analytical planning of a family income and expenditure is _____.

(a) family finance

(b) family buying

(c) family budgeting

(d) family spending


62. The act of a mother sewing her used wrapper into a small gown for her daughter is called _____.

(a) darning

(b) patching

(c) renovation

(d) repairing


63. Which of the following is an unacceptable food additive?

(a) Ginger

(b) Nutmeg

(c) Cinnamon

(4) Bromate


64. When food is preserved properly it _____.

(a) safeguard consumers health

(b) reduces quality

(c) accelerates spoilage

(d) increases risk of poisoning


65. The following hygienic strategies must be supplied by the food manager in handling edible items EXCEPT _____.

(a) cleanliness of food preparation environment

(b) using unwholesome food settings

(c) storing perishable foods in the freezer

(d) keeping foods at safe temperature


66. Which of these seam finishing is suitable options for all fabrics?

(a) Zig-zag

(c) Bound

(b) Over casting

(d) Edge stitching


67. The act of the flow of air in an apartment is called _____.

(a) breeze

(c) percolation

(b) ventilation

(d) compression


68. The following are advantages of family budget EXCEPT, that it helps to _____.

(a) see how family spend their money

(b) train children on the use of money

(c) encourage impulsive buying

(d) make wise decision about expenditure


69. The process of changing or circulating the air in a room often enough to keep it fresh is _____.

(a) wind

(b) blowing

(c) ventilation

(d) circulation


70. Which of the following is not a function of food? It _____.

(a) provides good health

(b) provides the body with hest and energy

(c) helps in the formation of new

(d) protects the body from diseases


71. Sewing machine, needle, thread are associated with _____.

(a) tailoring

(c) bakery

(b) canteen

(6) fashion parade


72. Which of the following fibres is soft and fine, therefore requires very careful handling in sewing and laundry?

(a) Cotton

(c) Silk

(5) Linen



73. The outline or shape that someone’s body takes is called _____.

(a) figure

(c) personality

(5) outfic

(c) style


74. The effect of heat applied to meat is _____.

(a) rancidity

(c) dextrinization

(b) coagulation

(d) discoloration


75. One of the following is not an effect of fatigue on human beings _____.

(a) Causes unhappiness in persons

(b) Causes invitation in persons

(c) Makes a person dull and sluggish

(d) Prevents a person from doing work


76. Hair that is not washed regularly and cared for, may become _____.

(a) infected

(b) oily

(c) coloured

(d) straight


77. Mat, carpet, wood are associated with _____.

(a) flooring

(c) floor types

(b) floor cover

(d) floor maker


78. Which of the following nutrients end product is amino acid?

(a) Vitamins

(b) Fats and oils

(c) Carbohydrate

(d) Proteins


79. Obesity is a health condition associated with _____.

(a) old age

(b) over feeding

(c) food additives

(d) balanced diet


80. One of the following is NOT an importance of Edge finishing.

(a) Prolongs the life of the article

(b) It makes the finished work neat

(c) It helps the raw edge to fray

(d) It decorates the article


81. Prolonged exposure of wool to direct heat or sunlight _____.

(a) strengthens it

(b) brightens it

(c) protects it

(d) destroys it


82. One of these does not influence decision making.

(a) Friend

(b) Resources

(c) Value

(d) Environment


83. _____ is a precaution to be observed in a bakery.

(a) Keep wet floor

(b) Play around

(c) Keep floor dry and free for movement

(d) Clustered floor


84. A person who does non-strenuous physical activity is called a _____.

(a) medical

(b) company

(c) sedentary

(d) manual


85. Foods are stored for the following reasons EXCEPT to _____.

(a) reduce the nutritional values

(b) prevent spoilage worker

(c) retard the action of micro organism

(d) make them available when out of season


86. Hair cream, comb and shampoo are associated with _____.

(a) hair making

(b) hair care

(c) dreadlock making

(d) hair comportment


87. The sensitive spot where image is formed in the eye is known as _____.

(a) retina

(c) iris

(b) yellow spot

(d) lens


88. Which of the following causes HIV/AIDS in humans?

(a) Bacterial

(c) Virus

(b) Fungi

(d) Mosquitoes


89. Which of the following is animal stain?

(a) Rust

(b) Ink

(c) Grease

(d) Egg


90. The class of food that repair worn out tissues is _____.

(a) protein

(c) water

(b) vitamins

(d) fats & oil



91. The letters NPK on a bag of compound fertilizer refer to _____, _____, _____.

a. Nutrients Per Kilogram

b. Nitrogen, Potassium, Phosphorus

c. Sodium, Potassium, Calcium

d. Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium


92. Mr John’s cattle is suffering from _____ caused by _____ and can be controlled by _____.

a. rinderpest, bacteria, vaccination

b. mastitis, bacteria, vaccination

c. mouth disease, virus, vaccination

d. udder disease, virus, sanitation


93. The following symptoms are observed in a cocoa farm, brown spots on the pods, and the pods turn black in colour, these symptoms are associated with _____, disease, caused by _____, can be controlled by _____.

a. cocoa swollen shoot, fungus, chemicals

b. black pod disease, virus, chemicals

c. black pod disease, fungus, chemical

d. cocoa swollen shoot, virus, chemicals


94. This type of soil improvement is called _____ , the group of crop planted earlier and the nutrient is called _____ added to the soil mainly is _____.

a. green manure, legumes, nitrate

b. farm yard manure, legume, nitrate

c. compost, legumes, magnesium

d. green manure, legumes, magnesium


95. A woman is experiencing painful urination, Itching and discharge from vagina, these symptoms are associated with _____ caused by the _____ bacterium.

a. syphilis, treponema palladium

b. gonorrhea, neisseria gonorrhea

c. alds, HIV

d. malaria, parasites


96. A child looks malnourished with a big head and stomach, very thin hand and leg. This is a symptom of _____ to lack of _____.

a. scurvy, vitamin C

b. ricket, calcium

c. anaemia, vitamin B

d. kwashiorkor, protein


97. A nursing mother decides to Introduce other foods apart from breast milk to the baby. This is called _____ and it is done after _____ months of exclusive breastfeeding.

a. weaning, six

b. colostrum, four

c. Introduction, three

d. weaning, nine


98. The following symptoms are observed on a cassava farm, yellowish patches on leaves, wrinkled leaves. The symptoms are associated with _____ disease by _____ and be controlled by _____.

B. cassava mosaic, virus, resistant varieties.

b. cassava smut, fungus, resistant varieties.

c. cassava mosaic, fungus, chemical treatment

d. cassava blast, virus, resistant varieties


99. Drug abuse refers to the use of certain chemical for the purpose of creating pleasurable effect on _____ while in the categories of drugs _____ give rise to alertness and increased burst of activity and feeling of dissociation from oneself is regarded as _____.

a. hallucinogen, stimulants, brain

b. stimulant, brain hallucinogen

c. brain, stimulant, hallucinogen

d. brain, hallucinogen, stimulant


100. The result of eating contaminated food is _____ while _____ is a bacteria caused by food poisoning and _____ is a type of parasite caused by food poison.

a. food borne illness, staphylococcus aureus and ascaris lumbricoides.

b. ascaris lumbricoides, staphylococcus aureus and food borne illness

c. staphlococcus aureus, ascaris lumbricoides and food borne illness

d. ascaris illness, aureus food borne and staphylococcus