Second Term Examination Primary 1 (Basic 1) Term 2 Exam Questions for All the Subjects






  • English Studies 
  • Literature in English 
  • Mathematics 
  • Basic Science and Technology 
  • Physical and Health Education 
  • Computer Studies (Information Technology) 
  • Christian Religious Studies 
  • Agriculture 
  • Home Economics 
  • Civic Education 
  • Social Studies 
  • Security Education 


Kindergarten Term 2 Exam Questions>>>

<<< Primary 2 (Basic 2) Term 2 Exam Questions



SECTION A – Comprehension Passage. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions below:


People, animals, birds, insects  and  plants  live  in  an environment. They  all  help each other. People, animals,  birds and  insects need  plants.  Plants  give us  food.  They help  us  to  grow and  to  be  healthy. Without  food,  all  living  things  would  get  sick and  eventually  die.

Insects  and  birds  help plants  to  seed. They  also  help  plants  to  spread  their seeds. The  seeds grow  into  new  plants.  Animals  help  people  with  their   work. They  pull  or  carry  things  for  us. They  help  us  to  plant  our  food.



a. Where  do  people,  animals, birds, insects  and  plants  live?

b. What  do  plants  give  us ?

c. Why  would  we  die  without  food  ?

d. How  do  insects  and  birds  help  plants ?

e. How  do  animals  help  us?


SECTION  B – Attempt   all questions. 

1. He  combs  his  ________  twice  a  day.

[a] ear

[b] hare

[c] hair


2. There  are  ________ banana’s  at  the  market.

[a] much

[b] many

[c] too


3. You  do  not  need  ________ water  for  cooking.

[a] many

[b] much

[c] some


4. Please  may  l  have  ________ bread?

[a] found

[b] some

[c] any


5. These  shoes  belong  to  me. They  are ________.

[a] my

[b] mine

[c] yours


6. Keep  that  piece  of  cake  for  fatima. It   is ________.

[a] hers

[b] theirs

[c] ours


7. The  children  ________ playing  outside.

[a] were

[b] was

[c] is


8. Have  you  seen  a   red  ________ of  scissors?

[a] pair

[b] pear

[c] bear


9. She   puts   her  dresses  ________  her  trunk  box.

[a] at

[b] the

[c] inside


10. The  banana  was  divided  ________ my  friend  and  me.

[a] near

[b] over

[c] between


11 . l   saw  the  policeman  ________ came  here.

[a] which

[b] what

[c] who


12. My  mother  ________ biscuit    for  me  yesterday.

[a]  buy

[b] buying

[c] bought


13. The   knife   is  very ________.

[a] bad

[b] sharp

[c] sweet




SECTION A – Choose the correct answer from the options.

1. “John  give me your  home work so  that  l  can  copy “ Who  said  this?

[a] John

[b] James

[c] Judas


2. The  names  of  the  two  boys  are  ________ and ________.

[a] Matthew and Phillip

[b] John and James

[c] James and Joseph


3. Who  walked  out  on the  other?

[a] Joy

[b] James

[c] John


4. What  did  John  do  when  he  got  home?

[a] Sweep

[b] Sweat

[c] Ran


5. My  dad  will  chide me  if  he  get  ________ before  me.

[a] forest

[b] home

[c] farm


6. Who  was  a  member  of  John’s  class?

[a] Chioma

[b] Chidima

[c] Cherish


7. Who  came  to  school  in  a  dirty  uniform?

[a] James

[b] Chioma

[c] Jude


8. The  change that  reflected on james  performances made  his  dad  so  ________ of  him.

[a] rude

[b] proud

[c] arrogant


9. What  is  a shame  for  John?

[a] Not  doing his home work

[b] Hardworking

[c] Intelligent


10.  l  must  tell  you  the  truth, “Truth  hurts “, Who  said  this?

[a] John

[b] James

[c] Chioma


11. When  John  get  home, was  there  anyone  at  home?

[a] Yes

[b] No

[c] Maybe


12. ________  took  his uniform  and  put  them  in  the  dirt  bag?

[a] James

[b] John

[c] Lola


13. John  went  into  the  ________ and  cleaned  up.

[a] Toilet

[b] forest

[c] bathroom


14. James  dad  travelled  to  their  home town  in ________.

[a] Abule egba

[b] Edo state

[c] London


15. What  is  the  title  of  your  literature?

[a] Naked truth

[b] Bitter  truth

[c] Open  truth


SECTION  B – Attempt  all  questions. 


A. Mention  the  names  of  the  boys  in  the  Literature

B. Who  among  the  two  boys  hate  listening to  truth?



A. When  James  turned  a  new  leaf,  who   was  proud  of  him?

B. Who  created  healthy  completion in  the  classroom?



A. James  went  to  meet  Chioma  to  do  what?

B. “Hardwork  brings  success”  Who  told  James  that?



When  James  was  not serious, mention  three  things  he  likes  doing?



A. “Mr  know it  all, do your  home work  on  time “ Who  said  this?

B. What  have  you  learnt  from  the  story?




Underline the rhyming word:

1. Red

[a] bed

[b] ran

[c] run


2. Sock

[a] jersey

[b] blouse

[c] rock


3. Wheel

[a] peel

[b] want

[c] write


Complete the words, Use h and j:

4. ________ e n


5. ________ e r s e y


6. ________ a n d


Complete the words using cl or fl or sl:

7. l ________ ap my hands

8. l ________ ip on the ________ oor


Write 2 words with sh.

9. ________

10. ________




SECTION A – Choose the correct answer from the options.

1. Add  up  7  and  7  =

[a] 13

[b] 12

[c] 14


2. 16   plus   4   =

[a] 19

[b] 20

[c] 21


3. 6   +    2  +   1   =

[a] 10

[b] 9

[c] 20


4. l  bought  5  biscuits, 4 sweets  and  8  oranges, How  many  are  altogether?

[a] 17

[b] 16

[c] 19


5. l   have  10  apples, l  gave  my  sister  4  out  of  it, how  many  apples  remains?

[a] 5

[b] 6

[c] 4


6. Twenty  five  minus  Nine  equal.

[a] Sixteen

[b] Fourteen

[c] Fifteen


7. 2  multiply  by   12 =

[a] 14

[b] 24

[c] 10


8. 2   X    4  =

[a] 6

[b] 8

[c] 10


9. 10  divided  by  2 =

[a] 2

[b] 5

[c] 6


10. ________ + OO = OOOOOO

[a] OOOO




11. 11    –  ________   =    5

[a] 7

[b] 5

[c] 6


12. What  comes  between  27,  ________, 29

[a] 28

[b] 28

[c] 25


13. O + OOO + OOO =

[a] 6

[b] 7

[c] 10


14. ₦10  +  ₦10  + ₦2 =

[a] ₦5

[b] ₦15

[c] ₦22


15. ₦ 25   –  ₦ 10  =

[a] ₦15

[b] ₦35

[c] ₦10


SECTION  B – Attempt  all  QUESTIONS. 

1a.  15   +   5  =

b.  10   +   3  =

c. 15   –   8  =

d. 19   –   7  =

e. 7   x   2  =


2a. ₦10 + ₦5 =

b. ₦10 – ₦5 =

c. ₦15 + ₦12 =


3. Multiplication  of  numbers

a. 2 X 6 =

b. 2 X 10 =

c. 3 X 5 =

d. 3 X 4 =

e. 2 X 12 =


4. Number lines

a. 6   +   7 =



1    2   3   4    5    6   7    8    9    10    11    12    13   14   15


b. 9   +   4 =


1    2   3   4    5    6   7    8    9    10    11    12    13   14   15


c. 5    +   10       =


1    2   3   4    5    6   7    8    9    10    11    12    13   14   15


d. 15    –    9        =


1    2   3   4    5    6   7    8    9    10    11    12    13   14   15


e. 12    –  6       =


1    2   3   4    5    6   7    8    9    10    11    12    13   14   15




SECTION A Choose the correct answer from the OPTIONS. 

1. CPU can keep data, program and instruction for us.

[a] True

[b] False

[c] Maybe


2. A computer can do many Job.

[a] True

[b] False

[c] Maybe


3. Computer is an electronic ________.

[a] television

[b] machine

[c] games


4. A computer that can be operated on the lap is known as ________.

[a] hybrid

[b] hyper

[c] laptop


5 We have computer in all these places except ________.

[a] school

[b] bush

[c] hospital


6. How many types of computer do we have?

[a] 3

[b] 2

[c] 5


7. This an example of arithmetic operator.

[a] 1

[b] g

[c] +


8. Letters A, B, C are examples of ________ key.

[a] alphabetical

[b] special

[c] local


9. Computer can be used to watch film.

[a] True

[b] False

[c] Maybe


10. We cannot use the computer ________.

[a] money

[b] keyboard

[c] unit


11. K as in ________.

[a] kite

[b] kick

[c] keyboard


12. ________ makes our work faster.

[a] Phone

[b] Computer

[c] Typewriter


13. Computer work is always correct and accurate.

[a] Yes

[b] No

[c] Maybe


14. The keyboard is used for ________.

[a] sleeping

[b] typing

[c] counting


15. All part of computer are very ________.

[a] bad

[b] useful

[c] none


SECTION B – Attempt all the questions in this section. 

1. Write the sign for the following operators.

I. Plus ________

II. Minus ________

III. Multiply ________

IV. Divide ________


2. A computer that can be operate on the lap is known as ________.


3. ________ has a triangular shape.


4. ________ is an electronic device.


5. List 4 places where computer can be used:

I. ________________

II. ________________

III. ________________

IV. ________________




SECTION A – Choose the correct answer from the options.

1. ________  is  the  solid  part  of  the  earth’s  surface.

[a] sand

[b] water

[c] land


2. One   of  the  things found  on the  land  is ________.

[a] fish

[b] stone

[c] sky


3. ________  is    the    land   that  has  no  water.

[a] dry  land

[b] swamp  land

[c] rocky  land


4. Land   is  a  free  gift  from ________.

[a] God

[b] satan

[c] white men


5. A  ________ is  filled  with  air.

[a] rice

[b] car

[c] balloon


6. We   can    use    ________ to  control  erosion.

[a] rock

[b] plastic

[c] iron


7. Rock  stones  can  be  used  for  ________ construction.

[a] road

[b] school

[c] stadium


8. Human  and  animal  breath  in ________.

[a] dust

[b] air

[c] chemical


9. Air   cannot  be  seen  but  we  can  ________ it.

[a] feel

[b] hear

[c] touch


10. The  sun  rises  at  the  ________.

[a] west

[b] north

[c] east


11. We   get  vitamin ________ from  the  sun.

[a] B

[b] D

[c] A


12. Soil   provides  shelter  for  some  animals.

[a] Yes

[b No

[c] Maybe


13. The  following  are  examples  of    air  pollution  expect ________.

[a] smokes from cars

[b] smoke from  fryng  oils

[c] air  freshener


14. Air  has  weight  and  occupies  ________.

[a] book

[b] space

[c] television


15.. Sun  can  be  used  to  dry ________.

[a] radio

[b] soup

[c] cloth



SECTION   B – Attempt  all  questions. 

1. ________  is  a  mixture  of  gases.


2. List  3  things  found   on  the  land


3. Write  2  things  that  air  can  inflate.


4. Mention  2  benefits  of  the  sun.


5. Write  out  3  types  of   land.




SECTION A – Choose the correct answer from the options.

1. Good children show _________ to elder.

[a] respect

[b] disrespect

[c] disregard


2. We should appreciate all that our parents are doing for us.

[a] Yes

[b] No

[c] Maybe


3. A girl used to _________ down to greet elders.

[a] sit

[b] bend

[c] kneel


4. Wash your _________ before and after eating.

[a] legs

[b] hands

[c] nose


5. Eating on the street is a good habit _________.

[a] Yes

[b] No

[c] Maybe


6. Fruits are good for our _________.

[a] body

[b] book

[c] cloth


7. Fruit make our teeth _________.

[a] decay

[b] smell

[c] strong


8. Use clean plate and _________ to eat.

[a] spoon

[b] book

[c] pencil


9. Eating too much could result to _________.

[a] vomiting

[b] coughing

[c] fever


10. A home is a place where one _________.

[a] stand

[b] clap

[c] lives


11. Do not _________ while eating.

[a] sleep

[b] talk

[c] dance


12. Kitchen is a place where _________ is being prepared.

[a] food

[b] drink

[c] cloth


13. We take our bath in the _________.

[a] toilet

[b] kitchen

[c] bathroom


14. Every child is expected to exhibit good manner.

[a] Yes

[b] No

[c] Maybe


15. Untidy hair causes _________.

[a] joy

[b] dandruff

[c] none


SECTION B – Attempt all questions. 

1. Good children should show _________ elders.


2. _________ is a place where food is prepared.


3. Wash your _________ before and after eating


4. Use clean _________ and _________ to eat your food.


5. List 3 items found at home:

I. _______________________

II. _______________________

III. _______________________



SECTION A – Choose the correct answer from the options. 

1. All these can protect us except _________.

[a] Angel

[b] parents

[c] devils


2. Jesus called his disciples _________.

[a] enemy

[b] friends

[c] pastors


3. Which of these must we show to Jesus to become his good friend?

[a] Love

[b] Hatred

[c] Stealing


4. Who gave us the eyes to see?

[a] Father

[b] mother

[c] God


5. Jesus has power over all diseases and death.

[a] True

[b] False

[c] none of the above


6. The eyes are the _________ of the body.

[a] darkness

[b] light

[c] machine


7. God saw everything that he has made and behold it was beautiful, it can be found in Genesis _________.

[a] 1 : 31

[b] 2 : 32

[c] 3 : 33


8. “ Speak, Lord your servant is listening “ can be found in Samuel _________.

[a] 7 : 9

[b] 2 : 9

[c] 5 : 9


9. God wants us to learn the word.

[a] True

[b] False

[c] None of the above


10. God created _________ and _________ in the garden of eden.

[a] Adam & Joy

[b] Adam & eve

[c] Adam & Deborah


11. We belongs to the family of _________.

[a] Satan

[b] Jesus

[c] John


12. Jesus want us to _________ one another.

[a] hate

[b] love

[c] none


13. Jesus and _________ were good friends in Bible.

[a] Moses

[b] Lazarus

[c] Satan


14. “ Love one another “ it can be found in John _________.

[a] 14 : 17

[b] 15 : 17

[c] 16 : 17


15. It is good to be kind to our neighbor.

[a] True

[b] False

[c] Maybe


SECTION B – Attempt all questions. 

1. List _________ things created by God.


2. Genesis _________ says,“God saw everything that has made and behold it was beautiful“.


3. _________ died for our sin.


4. Name 4 things you can see with your eyes:

I. __________________

II. __________________

III. __________________

IV. __________________


5. Write John 15 : 17 __________________




SECTION A – Choose the correct answer from the options.

1. One of the following is used during sanitation.

[a] Broom

[b] Pencil

[c] Ruler


2. __________ is a disease.

[a] Sun fly

[b] Flower

[c] Cholera


3. What type of toilet do you have at home?

[a] Water closet

[b] Bucket toilet

[c] Pit toilet


4. Germs make us fall __________.

[a] beautiful

[b] dancing

[c] sick


5. Dettol kills germs and bacteria. __________

[a] True

[b] False

[c] Maybe


6. We must eat __________ food.

[a] Good

[b] Bad

[c] Poison


7. __________ is used for cutting grasses.

[a] pencil

[b] cutlass

[c] comb


8. Obedience is good.

[a] True

[b] False


9. Keeping our environment clean is called __________.

[a] sanitation

[b] social habit

[c] dirt


10. To avoid skin diseases we must take our bath regularly. __________

[a] True

[b] False

[c] Maybe


11. Always brush your __________ twice daily.

[a] eyes

[b] nose

[c] teeth


12. Which of these materials can be used to wash the toilet?

[a] chalk

[b] izal

[c] soil


13. We must flush our __________ after use.

[a] bathroom

[b] kitchen

[c] toilet


14. Who among the following must be obeyed?

[a] Thief

[b] Teacher

[c] Dog


15. Mosquito is our friend. __________

[a] True

[b] False

[c] Maybe


SECTION B – Attempt all questions in this section. 

1. What do you use the dust bin? ____________________


2. Name three types of toilet:

I. _________________

II. _________________

III. _________________


3. List 3 object used in keeping the environment clean:

I. _________________

II. _________________

III. _________________


4. Fruits are good for the _________________.


5. List 2 materials used in cleaning our body: __________


II. _________________




SECTION A – Choose the correct answer from the options.

1. __________ causes malaria.

[a] Cough

[b] Headache

[c] Malaria


2. __________ is an example of common illness.

[a] Running

[b] Stomach ache

[c] sleeping


3. Bad food can cause __________.

[a] illness

[b] good health

[c] happiness


4. All these are examples of drugs except __________.

[a] paracetamol

[b] alabuki

[c] acid


5. Which of these is a hard drug?

[a] Cocaine

[b] Panadol

[c] Blood tonic


6. Taking too much of drugs can improve our health.

[a] Yes

[b] No

[c] Maybe


7. We get milk from __________.

[a] river

[b] cow

[c] poultry birds


8. We get fish from __________.

[a] school

[b] poultry

[c] river


9. We eat food when we are __________.

[a] sleeping

[b] bathing

[c] hungry


10. Overdose is very dangerous to our __________.

[a] money

[b] food

[c] health


11. Wrong use of drug means __________.

[a] drug cell

[b] drug abuse

[c] drug using


12. Harmful substances may lead to loss of memory when taken.

[a] Yes

[b] No

[c] Maybe


13. Good food prevent growth and development.

[a] Yes

[b] No

[c] Maybe


14. Eating too much of food can cause __________.

[a] stomach ache

[b] mouth pain

[c] teeth ache


15. Bad substances can cause __________.

[a] death

[b] joy

[c] None


SECTION B – Attempt all questions. 

1. __________ means when you are sick.


2. Mention two common illness:

I. ____________________

II. ____________________


3. List two drugs you know:

I. ____________________

II. ____________________


4. State three types of food:

I. ____________________

II. ____________________

III. ____________________


5. ____________________ prescribe drugs for patient.

I. ____________________

II. ____________________

III. ____________________