First Term CIVIC EDUCATION Mid Term Test Primary 1 (Basic 1)
Important note for teachers,
choose randomly 10 or 15 questions as the test.
INSTRUCTION – Answer all the questions.
Choose the correct answer from the options A – C.
1. _________ is a subject that teaches us our duties and responsibilities as members of the communities.
A. English Education
B. Social Education
C. Civic Education
2. In civil education, we are unable learn our duties towards the government and our community.
A. True
B. False
C. Yes
3. Civic education also makes us to learn the duties of the government towards us.
A. True
B. False
C. No
4. Paying tax is not part our civil duty and responsibility.
A. True
B. False
C. No
5. Fighting, dishonest and injustice are good for our growth and development.
A. Yes
B. No
C. True
6. __________ is a place where children learn to function well in their world or community.
A. Church
B. Mosque
C. School
7. One of these is not the reason why school is important.
A. To prepare for the future
B. To increase poverty
C. To learn together
8. The ways through civic education is important are as follows except __________.
A. To reduce poverty
B. To become greedy
C. To develop talent
9. Gender discrimination is the unequal treatment between boys and girls.
A. True
B. False
C. No
10. ________ is a place where people lives as family.
A. Family
B. School
C. Home
11. ________ is made up father, mother and their children as well as other relatives.
A. Home
B. School
C. Family
12. One of these is not the important of home and family except _______
A. Disrespectful to one another
B. Love and care for one another
C. Hate one another
13. Gender discrimination is an equal treatment between boys and girls.
A. True
B. False
C. Yes
14. ________ is the act of being truthful to one another in all things.
A. Patriotism
B. Self reliance
C. Honesty
15. ________ is the ability of doing things by yourself without the help of other people.
A. Patriotism
B. Cooperation
C. Honesty
16. ________ is the process of working together for the purpose of achieving common goals.
A. Cooperation
B. Self reliance
C. Honesty
17. ________ is the love and loyalty for one’s country.
A. Patriotism
B. Self reliance
C. Honesty
18. ________ is the willingness to accept other people’s behavior, beliefs, opinions or practices that are different from your own.
A. Patriotism
B. Tolerance
C. Honesty
19. _______ is a way of informing and educating the people about the event around the world.
A. Internet
B. Media
C. Facebook
20. _______ is a printer paper that usually contains daily or weekly news, articles of opinion, features, adverts, etc.
A. Newspapers
B. Radio
C. Television
21. _______ is a system that transmits sound without visual image.
A. Newspapers
B. Television
C. Radio
22. _______ is a system that transmits sound with visual image.
A. Newspapers
B. Radio
C. Television
23. The network that connects electronic devices together is known as _______.
A. Television
B. Radio
C. Internet
24. The following are social media except _______.
A. Facebook
B. School
C. Twitter
25. Punch, Daily posts, Vanguard, etc. are good examples of _______.
A. Radio
B. Television
C. Newspapers
26. NTA, AIT, LTV, etc. are examples of _______.
A. Newspaper
B. Television
C. Radio
27. _______ is a place of study.
A. University
B. Polytechnic
C. School
28. The subject teaches us our duties and responsibilities is _______.
A. Mathematics
B. Civic education
C. English studies