Second Term Examination Government SS 1 – Exam Questions
Answer All Questions.
1. The absence of a legitimate government in a state is referred to as ___________________.
(a) Monarchy
(b) Hierarchy
(c) Fascism
(d) Anarchy
2. A politically organized body of people inhabiting a defined geographical entity with an organized legitimate government is called ___________________.
(a) nation
(b) society
(c) locality
(d) state
3. ___________________ is not a form of power.
(a) political
(b) Social
(c) economic
(d) Physical
4. A system of government based on land tenure and ownership is referred to as ___________________.
(a) Socialism
(b) Communism
(c) Communalism
(d) Feudalism
5. So far, Nigeria has succeeded in operating ___________________ Republic.
(a) 6
(b) 7
(c) 8
(d) 9
6. ___________________ led the first military coup d’état in Nigeria.
(a) Aguiyi Ironsi
(b) Olusegun Obasanjo
(c) Tunde Idiagbon
(d) Chukwuemeka Kaduna Nzeogu
7. Communalism originated from ___________________.
(a) USA
(b) Ghana
(c) China
(d) Tanzania
8. The counter coup in 1966 took place on ___________________.
(a) January 15th
(b) May 29th
(c) December 1st
(d) July 29th
9. ___________________ is based on the belief that the powers of various organs of government should be defined and regulated.
(a) Rule of law
(b) Constitution
(c) Separation of powers
(d) Constitutionalism
10. The concept of separation of powers was formulated and propounded by ___________________.
(a) Professor A.V. Dicey
(b) Adam Smith
(c) Baron de Montesquieu
(d) Professor Lionel Robinson
11. The northern and southern protectorates were amalgamated in the year ___________________ by ___________________ and the name Nigeria was given by ___________________.
12. An alien whose safety cannot be guaranteed in a foreign state is said to be ___________________.
13. A constitution which is very difficult to amend is referred to as ___________________.
14. ___________________ organ is responsible for policy formulation.
15. Representative government is also known as ___________________.
16. The process whereby individuals get themselves involved in the political process of the country is called ___________________.
17. A system of government in which the totality of the life of the citizens lie in the hand of the ruler is known as ___________________.
18. While the first war lasted from ___________________ to ___________________ the second world war lasted from ___________________ to ___________________.
19. The protagonists of the Nigerian civil war were ___________________ and ___________________.
20. USSR means _________________________________________________.
THEORY — Answer four questions in all.
Question One is Compulsory.
a. In a tabular format, highlight six differences between parliamentary and presidential systems of government.
b. Differentiate the following types of government one from the other;
(i) Monarchy
(ii) Republicanism
(iii) Military form of government
c. Define government as an academic field of study.
d. Why is Nigeria a multi-party state.
a. What is Monarchy?
b. Write on two types of monarchy you were taught.
c. Give an example each of the types of monarchy.
a. Is the structure of government in Nigeria organized? Explain in full.
b. How can a seating president and prime minister be removed from office in a presidential and parliamentary systems respectively?
c. Define bi-camerialism and relate it to the Nigerian federalism.
a. Communalism is African oriented. Discuss.
b. Write on the theory of Separation of powers.
c. Highlight six advantages and four disadvantages of (4b) above.
a. What is a Representative government?
b. State five conditions for Representative government.
c. While defining political participation, state four factors affecting political participation, using Nigeria as a case study.