Third Term Examination Verbal Reasoning Kindergarten – KG (Age 5) – Exam Questions






Choose the correct answer from the options. 

Use the code to form five two letter words. 

Example e a = OR. 

a   b   c   d   e   f

 R   E   A   S   O   N


1. f e = _________


2. c d = _________


3. e f = _________


4. d e = _________


5. Circle the vowels from the following:

 F   a   t   h   e   r


T   e   a   c   h   e   r


O   r   a   n    g   e


6. Write the numbers ranking of letters:


N      O     P     Q     R



14    15    16    17    18


 P = _________


N = _________


O = _________


7. Write four letter words. __________________


Use the letter to form a word.

8. b _________


9. y _________


10. Use the code of indicate the position of the following letters.


A        B        C         D          E

 1st     2nd    3rd     4th     5th


E is _________ position


A is _________ position


C is _________ position


Count and write the numbers of the following letter.

11.C L A S S _________



12. S C H O O L _________


13. P A R E N T _________


 14. Write three words that begin with “ M “

A. ________________

B. ________________

C. ________________


15. Write three words that begin with “ B “

A. ________________

B. ________________

C. ________________



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