Third Term Examination Literature in English SS 1 – Exam Questions









Instruction: Choose from the alternatives A-D, the one that best answers the question. 

1. ____________ is a story that centres on imaginary people and events.

(a) Non – fiction

(b) Fiction

(c) Legends

(d) Festival


2. The expression ‘He is a living dead’ is an example of ____________.

(a) antithesis

(b) imagery

(c) oxymoron

(d) paradox


3. Which of the following statements does not apply to tragedy?

(a) It is a dramatic genre.

(b) It is humorous.

(c) it involves characters (d) it is sad.


4. When a reader is anxious to know what happens next in the novel, the novelist has succeeded in keeping him in ____________.

(a) doubt



(b) check

(c) pain

(d) suspense


5. One of the differences between a novel and a novelette is the ____________.

(a) diction

(b) subject matter

(c) length

(d) setting


6. What figure of speech is prominent in The US is making use of many Nigerian scientific brains in her technological programmes’.

(a) Synecdoche

(b) Metonymy

(c) Metaphor

(d) Oxymoron


7. A poem about simple rural life is known as ____________.

(a) an epic

(b) a sonnet

(c) an ode

(d) a postoral


8. Which of the following marks a tragedy?

(a) Grandeur

(b) Dialogue

(c) Laughter

(d) Aside


9. A poetic device which exaggerates situations or objects is known as ____________.

(a) climax



(b) flashback

(c) paradox

(d) hyperbole


10. The first eight lines of a sonnet is called ____________.

(a) a couplet

(b) an octave

(c) a quatrain

(d) a set


11. The period of laughter or amusement in a tragic play is called ____________.

(a) comic relief

(b) denouncement

(c) interlude

(d) suspense


12. Modern tragic plays deal with ____________.

(a) people having struggle with wretched existence

(b) the shedding of blood

(c) the death of kings and nobles

(d) the use of superstitious elements


13. A deliberate understatement in which one uses the negative in order to express the opposite of what is meant is known as ____________.

(a) antithesis

(b) litotes

(c) hyperbole

(d) apostrophe


14. ____________ is the sum total of all the participants for performance with specific roles to play.

(a) Cast



(b) Catharsis

(c) Dramatic irony

(d) Dramatist personae


15. A sudden change in circumstances of a major character that results to the character’s tragic fall is known as the ____________.

(a) projection

(b) prompter

(c) peripeteia

(d) proscenium arch


16. Which of these is referred to as a playwright’s written instructions on how to stage or imagine a play?

(a) Soliloquy

(b) Deus ex machina

(c) Portmanteau word

(d) Stage directions


17. A lyric that expresses grief or mourns the death of a person is ____________.

(a) a hymn

(b) a sonnet

(c) an elegy

(d) an ode


18. ____________ is a form of verbal irony that insults a person with an insincere praise.

(a) Rhetorical question

(b) Sarcasm

(c) Metonymy

(d) Apostrophe


19. “Hillary, the heiress of the Clinton political dynasty, held her head high as she harangued hooligans in Harlem”. The dominant literary device deployed in the preceding sentence is ____________.

(a) Metonymy



(b) Denouncement

(c) Alliteration

(d) Paradox


20. An imitation of a writer by another writer with a view to mocking him nor her is called ____________.

(a) burlesque

(b) allegorical prose

(c) roman flevve

(d) chant fable






Instruction: Read the questions carefully and answer any five (5) exhaustively.

1. To what extent can Adah be described as Francis’ benefactor?


2. Examine the role of Mr. Okpaka in the novel.


3. Comment on the use of flashback in the narrative.


4. In what ways and by what criteria can Adah be described as a dutiful wife to Francis?


5. What does the title of the novel suggest to the reader about the themes of the narrative?


6. Examine the contribution of Mr. and Mrs. Noble to the development of the story.


7. Describe Ibuza Kingdom as a traditional community.


8. Account for Francis’ poor relationship with his wife.



9. “despite his weaknesses, Francis is a good father”. Do you agree?


10. Discuss the influences of civilization and religion on Francis.



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