Chemistry Guides for SS 1 The Chemistry of Life – Carbon and Its Components (Structure and Allotropes of Carbon, Coal, Coke, Synthetic Gas, Importance of Cydrocarbon, Crude Oil and Natural Gas








1. Samples of carbon-containing compounds in and around us e.g. stick, paper, coal etc.

2. Models or coloured beads.

3. Real examples of crude oil fractions such as petrol (pms), diesel, oil, kerosene etc.

4. Shells, fruits, alkanols.

5. Carbonates

6. Glass vessels.

7. Gas from decaying foods, fruits and vegetables.




By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. identify various substances in and around us that contain carbon;

2. describe the unique characteristics of carbon as an element;

3. explain the relationship between the structure of carbon and existence of many natural and synthetic carbon containing compounds;

4. infer that a large percentage of world energy needs depend on carbon-containing compounds like coal, coke and petroleum;

5. define the term allotrope;

6. show that carbon forms two types of oxides both of which are important economically;

7. identify carbon (IV) oxide.




1. Carbon – structure of carbon.

2. Allotropes of Carbon:

  • charcoal graphite and diamond
  • structure and properties of the allotropes
  • the combustion of carbon allotropes.

3. Coal:

  • different types
  • industrial distillation of coal
  • uses and products.

4. Coke:

  • gasification and uses
  • carbondioxide (Carbon (IV) oxide) and Carbon monoxide (Carbon (II) oxide).

5. synthetic gas:

  • manufacture and carbon uses
  • carbonic acid(Trioxocarbonate (IV) acid)
  • any carbonate (Trioxocarbonate (IV) salt).

6. Hydrocarbon and its main classes.

7. Crude oil and natural gas

8. Importance of hydrocarbons.





1. Leads the students in a guided identification of carbon-containing compounds in and around us.

2. Explains the relationship between carbon and life by explaining the function of some of the compounds listed above.

3. Relates the structure of carbon to the formation of various compounds.

4. Introduces the phenomenon of allotropes using carbon.

5. Explains the location, method of mining and economic importance of coal and coke.

6. Synthetic gas: manufacture and carbon uses.

7. Explains the properties of Carbon (IV) oxide, carbon (II) oxide and trioxocarbonate salts.

8. Identifies the location of crude oil in Nigeria.

9. Lists the various fraction of crude oil giving their uses and economic importance.




1. Identify and list carbon-containing compounds in and around.

2. Write the electron structures of carbon and relate to its forming various compounds.

3. Identify and write down the role of carbon in various life processes.

4. Write the general formula for the various classes of hydrocarbon.

5. List the various fractions of crude oil and identify their uses as fuel.

6. List the location of crude oil and refinery in Nigeria.

7. Discuss the economic importance of crude oil components.

8. Perform experiment to investigate

  • one of the properties of amorphous carbon (normal charcoal)
  • that charcoal absorbs gases
  • Carbon as a reducing agent
  • Oxidation of carbon
  • The chemistry of carbonate (Trioxocarbonate (IV) salts).

9. Preparation of carbon monoxide.

10. Action of acids on carbonates.

11. Experimental projects: preparation of CO2 from locally available materials such as shells alkanols, etc.




Students to,

1. list 10 compounds of carbon (IV).

2. discuss the relationship of compounds listed to life.

3. list 3 properties each of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and any trioxocarbonate (IV) salt.

4. list the allotropes of carbon.

5. list three of classes of hydrocarbon.

6. list five uses of hydrocarbons.



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