Exam Questions – Second Term Examination Physical and Health Education Primary 5 (Basic 5) – PHE
Choose the correct answer from the options.
1. A team of basketball consist of ____________________ players.
[a] 5
[b] 7
[c] 9
2. All these are skills in football except ____________________.
[a] dribbling
[b] throwing
[c] galloping
3. The modern field hockey was developed in 19th century in ____________________.
[a] Canada
[b] England
[c] America
4. Table Tennis is a example of ____________________ games.
[a] outdoor
[b] indoor
[c] track
5. Table Tennis is a game played on a ____________________.
[a] field
[b] floor
[c] table
6. All these are physical education facilities except ____________________.
[a] abbatior
[b] gymastics
[c] stadium
7. A ____________________ is an outdoor area for children to play.
[a] facility
[b] playground
[c] knacker’s yard
8. All these can harm children when playing except ____________________.
[a] broken bottle
[b] nails
[c] green grass
9. One of the reasons why playground should be inspected before use is to ____________________.
[a] liter it with harmful object
[b] clean it of harmful object
[c] stroll on it
10. Fitness means ____________________.
[a] a state of being healthy and strong.
[b] a state of weakness
[c] a state of relaxation
11. Regular ____________________ can help a person to be physically fit.
[a] sleep
[b] exercise
[c] laziness
12. A physical exercise performed in order to develop or display physical fitness are called ____________________.
[a] jerks
[b] gymnastics
[c] hopping
13. ____________________ is not an example of rhythmic activities.
[a] marching
[b] kicking
[c] hopping
14. Hockey is a team game of ____________________ and ____________________.
[a] net/groves
[b] basket/ball
[c] stick/ball
15. Accident can happen when using physical education equipment that are in ____________________ condition.
[a] good
[b] bad
[c] normal
Attempt all questions
1. What is gymnastic activities?
b. List 2 types gymnastics with two examples each.
i. ___________________________
ii. ___________________________
2. Define Recreation.
b. List 3 importance of recreation activities.
i. ___________________________
ii. ___________________________
iii. ___________________________
3. What is Outdoor activities?
b. List 3 examples of outdoor activities.
i. ___________________________
ii. ___________________________
iii. ___________________________
4. Explain the term cardinal points.
b. State and explain four main cardinal point.
5. Mention 5 equipment in football.
i. ___________________________
ii. ___________________________
iii. ___________________________
iv. ___________________________
v. ___________________________