First Term Examination for Primary 4 (Basic 4) Exam Questions Volume 1
Read the passage and answer the questions that follows:
Football is the most popular sport in the world. It is a game played by two teams at a time, each have ten players and one goal keeper. The game is played on a field which has two goal post, one at each end of the field. A referee with help of two line men oversees a football match.
People of all races and complexion like the game. Both government and private are interested in the game.
a. What is a football?
b. How many people are there in a football team at a time ?
c. Mention people that oversee the game of football .
d. Find a word in the first paragraph which means “ Famous“
Attempt all questions.
1. l have __________.
[a] speak
[b] spoken
[c] speak
2. They have been using that car __________ 2001 .
[a] for
[b] since
[c] in
3. Moses __________ to church and his sister.
[a] was going
[b] gone
[c] go
4. A __________ is a small bed with high side for baby.
[a] cot
[b] court
[c] cut
5. My aunt just bought a new __________ machine .
[a] sowing
[b] sooing
[c] sewing
6. The maid __________ the bucket with water .
[a] feels
[b] fills
[c] filling
7. l am __________. l can read and write.
[a] good
[b] literate
[c] illiterate
8. l __________ my father’s friend at the park .
[a] seen
[b] seeing
[c] saw
9. l __________ come when l have finished eating.
[a] may
[b] can
[c] have
10. We __________ at the stadium last week .
[a] was
[b] have
[c] were
11. l __________ show you where to go.
[a] will
[b] can
[c] may
12. The __________ box could not fit in the car .
[a] tiny
[b] large
[c] small
13. The fans __________ when their team scored.
[a] jeered
[b] cheered
[c] laugh
14. Oku is the __________ child.
[a] tallest
[b] tall
[c] taller
15. My dress is __________ than hers.
[a] beautiful
[b] more beautiful
[c] most beautiful.
Answer all the questions in this section.
1. Fill in the gaps with “may or can‘’
a. Please ma, __________ l come?
b. Sir __________ we go to bed now?
c. Jide __________ l have the money, please?
d. The soldiers asked the commander, __________ we return to camp tomorrow.
2. Give the past tense of the following:
a. Give – __________
b. Cut – __________
c. Travel – __________
d. Walk – __________
3. Make a sentence with each of the following words:
a. Step mother ________________________________________________
b. Goal keep ________________________________________________
c. interesting ________________________________________________
d. important ________________________________________________
4. Write 4 sentences about your family:
INSTRUCTION: Choose one out of the following:
1. Write a composition about your family.
2. Write a composition about my school.
A Answer all the questions in this section.
1. Ugadi had __________ wives.
[a] twenty – four
[b] twenty – six
[c] twenty – three
2. What problem did Ugadi solve for the people of Ugbuza kingdom?
[a] Fighting the lions
[b] Fighting the chimpazees
[c] Fighting the goat
3. What was Mmili competition for?
[a] The youths
[b] The men
[c] The children
4. How often was Ujaki festivals done?
[a] Every three years
[b] Every two years
[c] Annually
5. Who was Ego?
[a] princess
[b] queen
[c] chief
6. The search for the big fish took __________ hours?
[a] two
[b] fifteen
[c] six
7. __________ was Ego’s mother.
[a] Queen filo
[b] Queen Ulo
[c] Queen comfort
8. Where was Ego held captive?
[a] In the dungeon
[b] In the dark room
[c] On the tree
9. Kuza’s mother was bitten by __________.
[a] snake
[b] scorpion
[c] snail
10. What did Ojia said the seven boys should look for in the river?
[a] A mermaid
[b] A shinning sword
[c] A caged being
11. Why was Atika lamented?
[a] He was hungry.
[b] he was afraid to die.
[c] His friend’s hated him.
12. __________ was the name of their friend that died?
[a] Ebo
[b] Ego
[c] lseli
13. What food did the friend being gave to them?
[a] Pounded yam
[b] Eba and Ogbono
[c] Human flesh
14. The snake __________ him.
[a] bite
[b] crushed
[c] swallowed
15. Why did the masquerade stop chasing them?
[a] They bribed him.
[b] They begged him.
[c] They had left his territory.
Attempt all the questions in this section.
1a. Which word did kuza remember?
b. Why did Alika fall victim?.
2a. Who did they meet on each river?
b. What would have happened if they had talked with the man?
3a. Who married princess Ego at last?
b. __________ finally made it.
4a. How did they get back home?
b. “l would do anything to save my wife” This statement was made by __________.
5a. Who is the author of beyond akpaku river?
b. Write 2 lessons you learnt from this story.
Answer all the questions in this section.
1. How many letters are there in the English alphabet?
[a] 21
[b] 6
[c] 26
2. The letters are grouped as vowel and __________.
[a] alphabet
[b] numeral
[c] consonant
3. The last letter of GOOD is the __________ letter of the alphabet.
[a] 24th
[b] 14th
[c] 04th
Choose the opposites from the brackets
4. White – ___________
[a] Green
[b] Blue
[c] Black
5. Sharp – __________
[a] Blunt
[b] Big
[c] Thin
Choose a word that is similar in to each of the words
6. Friend – __________
[a] Family
[b] Youth
[c] Pal
7. Wonder – __________
[a] Surprise
[b] Match
[c] Marvel
8. How many vowels are there in Teacher?
[a] 2
[b] 4
[c] 3
9. The last five letter of AEROPLANE from the word __________.
[a] plant
[b] plain
[c] plane
10. The seventh letter after A is __________.
[a] H
[b] I
[c] F
11. By combining the first letter, thirteen and twenty fifth letters, from a word which is a name of month of a year.
[a] Jan
[b] Mar
[c] May
12. __________ is the first letter of consonant.
[a] C
[b] A
[c] B
13. Which letter is mid way in the consonant?
[a] M
[b] N
[c] O
14. Which word is similar to help?
[a] Generous
[b] Aid
[c] Take
15. How many vowels are there in the tenth month of the year?
[a] Five
[b] Two
[c] Ten
Answer all the questions in this section.
1. Match correctly and make compound words:
a. Foot Quarter
b. Water Side
c. Bomb Room
d. Class Shell
e. Head Ball Football
2. Arrange these word in alphabetical order :
a. Man, Cold, Bold, Small
b. Come, Before, Find, Teacher
c. Tree, Day, Birth, Queen
d. Chair, Table, Poem, Under
3. Re – arrange the letter of each of the word printed in bold letters to mean what is explained in front of each of them.
TAN : A small insect ANT
a. ARE : The organ of hearing __________
b. NOW: The past tense of win __________
c. TAR: A small gnawing animal __________
d. LIVE: What is bad or harm __________
4. Form a word by re – arranging each of the letters printed in capital
Example “T C A – CAT”
a. SWDOR – __________
b. EADL – __________
c. ATME – __________
d. NLAI – __________
e. AER – __________
5. Give a word similar in meaning to each of the following:
a. Famous – __________
b. Beautiful – __________
c. Above – __________
d. ill – __________
Answer all the questions in this section.
1. Write in word 642,942.
[a] six hundred and forty two thousand, nine hundred and forty two
[b] six four two, nine four two
[c] six hundred four two, hundred and two
2. 12 groups of 12 oranges is __________.
[a] 144
[b] 230
[c] 150
3. What is the name of this symbol > ?
[a] less than
[b] equal to
[c] greater than
4. Roman numeral 20 is written as __________.
[a] CXX
[b] CX
[c] XX
5. LXiii is written as __________.
[a] 73
[b] 63
[c] 133
6. 4/5 = __________.
[a] 8/5
[b] 12/15
[c] 1/10
7. __________ = 10/15
[a] 1/3
[b] 3/10
[c] 2/3
8. Simplify 39/100 =
[a] 0.39
[b] 0.039
[c] 0.0039
9. 1.1 = __________.
[a] 11/10
[b] 11/100
[c] 11/1000
10. There are 758 girls and 549 boys in a school. What is the population of the school?
[a] 1307
[b] 2009
[c] 1058
11. Simplify 9/10 – 1/2 =
[a] 8/20
[b] 4/10
[c] 2/5
12. Simplify 2/5 + 1/2 =
[a] 9/10
[b] 3/10
[c] 3/5
13. What is the place value of 7 in the number 7 6 8 2?
[a] hundred
[b] unit
[c] thousand
14. If you divide 100 mangoes among 10 boys what will one of them have?
[a] 1000
[b] 110
[c] 10
15. What is the meaning of 34 < 63?
[a] 34 is less than 63
[b] 34 is greater than 63
[c] 34 is equal to 63
Attempt all the questions in this section.
1. Evaluate the following:
a. 3997 + 1482 =
b. 7613 + 6897 =
c. 7001 – 5469 =
d. 3111 – 1997 =
2. Simplify the following:
a. 2/5 + 1/2 =
b. 1/2 + 1/4 =
c. 9/10 – 1/2
d. 8/16 – 4/16
3. Simplify the following decimal:
a. 5.123 + 4.263 =
b. 7.948 + 5.763 =
c. 5.121 – 4.342 =
d. 6. 163 – 6.123 =
4a. Change the following to improper fraction:
i. 1 4/5
ii. 3 4/5
b. Change to mixed fraction:
i. 13/11
ii. 20/9
5a. Write the numbers in words:
ii. 9 999
ii. 157 324
b. Write these number in figure:
i. Seven thousand eight hundred and ten
ii. Ten thousand and one
6a. Write the place value of italics:
i. 7 1 1 4 1 =
ii. 8 3 5 6 4 =
iii. 1 6 7 9 4 =
iv. 2 9 6 7 3 =
b. Write in roman numerals:
i. 35 =
ii. 79 =
iii. 325 =
iv. 86 =
Answer all the questions in this section.
1. Changes in nature are of __________ main types.
[a] 2
[b] 4
[c] 7
2. Temporary change is also called __________ change.
[a] permanent
[b] reversible
[c] irreversible
3. A young plant that is raised from seed and not from a cut is called __________.
[a] plantation
[b] seedling
[c] potato
4. Non – living things do not have __________ in them.
[a] legs
[b] head
[c] breathe
5. __________ is the state of the atmosphere of a given time.
[a] Temperature
[b] Weather
[c] Rainfall
6. The instrument for measuring temperature is called __________.
[a] wind vane
[b] rainguage
[c] thermometer
7. The rainbow has __________ colours.
[a] five
[b] six
[c] seven
8. The measurement from one end to the other end is __________.
[a] length
[b] volume
[c] breadth
9. __________ is not an example of solid shape.
[a] Rhombus
[b] Prism
[c] Sphere
10. What is the name of this shape?
[a] Cone
[b] Rectangle
[c] Cylinder
11. The part of the plant that is the soil is called __________.
[a] stem
[b] root
[c] leaves
12. The direction of wind is known as __________.
[a] windvane
[b] barometer
[c] rainguage
13. Which of the following units is used to measure the volume of liquid?
[a] L
[b] m²
[c] cm³
14. A baby lion is called __________.
[a] calf
[b] cub
[c] ewe
15. What is the colour of a rusted iron?
[a] white
[b] grey
[c] brown
Attempt all the questions in this section.
1a. What is weather?
b. Name each of the following weather situation.
2a. Measure can be define as __________.
b. List two instrument for measuring weather.
3a. Define change.
b. Write two type of change.
4a. What are the life cycle of a mosquito?
b. Write out the rainbow colours.
5a. Define living things.
b. List 3 types of living things.
Answer all the questions in this section.
1. Computer is a __________ machine that accept data.
(a) Generator
(b) Electronic
(c) Mouse
2. __________ is an advantage of a computer.
(a) Electricity
(b) Power
(c) Fastness
3. __________ is an example of storage device.
(a) Floppy disk
(b) Music
(c) Games
4. __________ is a part that you can see or touch.
(a) Software
(b) Hardware
(c) Humanware
5. A keyboard can be classified into __________.
(a) image convert
(b) keystroke input device
(c) pen input device
6. __________ is called a game controller.
(a) Joystick
b) Lightpen
(c) Speaker
7. __________ is used to send pictures into the system unit.
(a) Keyboard
(b) Scanner
(c) C P U
8. Which output device is used to print question?
(a) Printer
(b) Photograph
(c) Scanner
9. The main circuit board of a micro computer is known as __________.
(a) power button
(b) dashboard
(c) motherboard
10. Which is more DURABLE?
(a) DVD
(b) CD
(c) Diskette
A. What is computer?
B. List 3 uses of Computer.
C. List 3 advantages of computer.
A. What is computer hardware?
B. List 5 example of computer hardware.
A. What is input device?
B. List the 5 classification of input device.
A. What is a printer?
B. List 2 types of printer.
A.What is a monitor?
B. List types and explain.
1. Physical fitness means to be __________.
[a] weak
[b] physical healthy
[c] sluggish
2. Endurance in physical activities means to tolerate __________.
[a] happiness
[b] no pain
[c] pain
3. The movement from one place to another is called __________.
[a] motor
[b] locomotor
[c] snoring
4. A person who engage un athletics exercise etc is __________.
[a] gymnastic
[b] athlete
[c] referee
5. Locomotor movement are forms of __________.
[a] player
[b] illness
[c] exercise
6. The act of going with quick , never having hand on the ground once is called __________.
[a] sliding
[b] running
[c] kicking
7. Skipping need rope while runner need a __________.
[a] sword
[b] baton
[c] football
8. Which of these is not a non locomotor movement __________.
[a] walking
[b] stretching
[c] bending
9. One of the skill in track event is __________.
[a] take – off
[b] out on
[c] lay down
10. __________ means moving with a to – and – fro or curving motion.
[a] Twisting
[b] Swinging
[c] Pulling
11. Middle distance races cover all these except __________.
[a] 500 metres
[b] 800 metres
[c] marathon
12. __________ is an example of long distance race.
[a] marathon
[b] 800 m
[c] 100 m
13. Relay races take place on the __________.
[a] tree
[b] track
[c] train
14. __________ is a technique in relay races.
[a] visual exchange
[b] dancing
[c] topping
15. When one part of the body is moved in an opposite direction, then __________ is taking place.
[a] running
[b] pushing
[c] twisting
Attempt all questions in this section.
A. What is table tennis?
B. List 4 equipment for playing table tennis.
Define visual and non visual method of baton exchange.
A. Football means __________.
B. Write 4 skills of football.
i. Locomotive movements
ii. Non Locomotive movements
B. Write 2 examples each:
A. Define First Aid.
B. List 5 materials found in a first aid box.
Answer all the questions in this section.
1. __________ influence the choice of our personal belongings.
[a] Money
[b] Ghost
[c] Food
2. Which of these is not personal belongings?
[a] church building
[b] clothes
[c] comb
3. __________ is a room in the house where guest are entertained.
[a] sitting room
[b] kitchen
[c] dinning room
4. __________ is an example of factors influencing the choice of personal belongings.
[a] age
[b] status
[c] police
5. __________ can be used to clean the room.
[a] Mopping sticking
[b] Broom
[c] a and b
6. Bathroom and toilet should be washed __________.
[a] daily
[b] monthly
[c] yearly
7. Furniture are found in the __________.
[a] toilet
[b] bathroom
[c] sitting room
8. A room where we prepare our meal is __________.
[a] bedroom
[b] toilet
[c] kitchen
9. There are __________ food groups.
[a] three
[b] six
[c] eight
10. Carbohydrates gives __________ to the body.
[a] proteins and vitamins
[b] warmth and energy
[c] protection and vitamin
11. Food are substance that give the body __________.
[a] nutrients and energy
[b] diseases
[c] weakness
12. __________ fights against diseases in the body.
[a] carbohydrate
[b] vitamins
[c] alcohol
13. Things that we put on to protect our bodies are called __________.
[a] shoes
[b] cosmetics
[c] clothes
14. What are you likely to find in the a clean and tidy house?
[a] mosquitoes
[b] healthy and happy people
[c] cockroaches
15. The place in our house where we entertain visitors is called __________.
[a] house
[b] bedroom
[c] sitting room
Attempt all the questions in this section.
A. What is food?
B. Write 2 reasons why we eat food.
Write 6 classes of food and one example of each.
A. Define personal belongings?
B. Mention 4 factors that may influence choice of personal belongings.
C. List 4 uses of personal belongings.
State 4 functional rooms in the house and their uses.
A. Write 4 ways of caring for personal belonging and room at home.
B. Mention the types of bathroom.
Answer all the questions in this section.
1. __________ influence the choice of our personal belongings.
[a] Money
[b] Ghost
[c] Food
2. Which of these is not personal belongings?
[a] church building
[b] clothes
[c] comb
3. __________ is a room in the house where guest are entertained.
[a] sitting room
[b] kitchen
[c] dinning room
4. __________ is an example of factors influencing the choice of personal belongings.
[a] age
[b] status
[c] police
5. __________ can be used to clean the room.
[a] Mopping sticking
[b] Broom
[c] a and b
6. Bathroom and toilet should be washed __________.
[a] daily
[b] monthly
[c] yearly
7. Furniture are found in the __________.
[a] toilet
[b] bathroom
[c] sitting room
8. A room where we prepare our meal is __________.
[a] bedroom
[b] toilet
[c] kitchen
9. There are __________ food groups.
[a] three
[b] six
[c] eight
10. Carbohydrates gives __________ to the body.
[a] proteins and vitamins
[b] warmth and energy
[c] protection and vitamin
11. Food are substance that give the body __________.
[a] nutrients and energy
[b] diseases
[c] weakness
12. __________ fights against diseases in the body.
[a] carbohydrate
[b] vitamins
[c] alcohol
13. Things that we put on to protect our bodies are called __________.
[a] shoes
[b] cosmetics
[c] clothes
14. What are you likely to find in the a clean and tidy house?
[a] mosquitoes
[b] healthy and happy people
[c] cockroaches
15. The place in our house where we entertain visitors is called __________.
[a] house
[b] bedroom
[c] sitting room
Attempt all the questions in this section.
A. What is food?
B. Write 2 reasons why we eat food.
Write 6 classes of food and one example of each.
A. Define personal belongings?
B. Mention 4 factors that may influence choice of personal belongings.
C. List 4 uses of personal Belongings.
State 4 functional rooms in the house and their uses.
A. Write 4 ways of caring for personal belonging and room at home.
B. Mention the types of bathroom.
Answer all the questions in this section.
1. God calls us to __________ us.
[a] flog
[b] bless
[c] curse
2. Obedience to God’s call will not lead __________.
[a] blessing
[b] long life
[c] disappointment
3. God speaks to us today to __________ us.
[a] mislead
[b] guide
[c] kill
4. Jacob wrestled with __________.
[a] God
[b] ghosts
[c] Egyptians
5. How many commandment did God give to Moses?
[a] Eight
[b] Nine
[c] Ten
6. Jesus Christ said that __________ is the greatest commandment.
[a] love
[b] hatred
[c] anger
7. God commandment are found in __________.
[a] Genesis 1 Vs 1
[b] Revelation 12 Vs 4
[c] Exodus 20 Vs 1 – 7
8. God reveals himself to us so that we may __________ Him more.
[a] abuse
[b] curse
[c] know
9. Visions and __________ are other ways God reveals himself to us.
[a] television
[b] dreams
[c] ghost
10. When God called Samuel, he thought it was __________ that was calling him.
[a] ghost
[b] an angel
[c] Eli
11. Does God still reveal himself to us today?
[a] Yes
[b] No
[c] Not at all
12. Jesus was born by the power of the __________.
[a] devil
[b] demons
[c] holy spirit
13. The reward of Obedience is __________.
[a] poverty
[b] blessing
[c] death
14. God spoke to his people today through one of these __________.
[a] Abraham
[b] The Holy Spirit
[c] Moses
15. Jesus called his disciples to make them __________.
[a] fishers of men
[b] rulers of men
[c] great on earth
Attempt all questions in this section.
1. Explain the term “Son of God“.
2a. Define law.
b. Write 4 commandment of God you know.
3. Write 4 ways in which God speak to us.
b. Mention 3 purpose of God’s call.
4a. State 4 duties of children of one faith.
b. List 2 importance of living in peace.
5. What are 4 right attitude of God’s revelation.
b. Mention 2 person in the bible that God reveal himself to.
Answer all the questions in this section.
1. __________ are desirable qualities and behaviors.
[a] Politics
[b] Democracy
[c] Value
2. Major ethnic group in Nigeria does not include __________.
[a] Hausa
[b] Tiv
[c] Yoruba
3. Listening to other people view is a way of showing __________ for the people’s value.
[a] disagreement
[b] respect
[c] disharmful
4. __________ will promote unity among people.
[a] Conflict
[c] Tolerance
[c] Fanaticism
5. Emir is to Hausa __________ is to the Yoruba.
[a] Obi
[b] Oba
[c] lgwe
6. A good leader should not be __________.
[a] honest
[b] kind
[c] wicked
7. The best way to settle disagreement in a community is by __________.
[a] killing
[b] fighting
[c] dialoguing
8. Unity promotes __________.
[a] co – operation
[b] death
[c] hatred
9. __________ means a group of people that controls the affairs of people in a community state or country.
[a] Religion
[b] Communalism
[c] Government
10. A __________ is the head of a presidential form of a government.
[a] king
[b] queen
[c] president
11. In democracy leaders are chosen by __________.
[a] voting
[b] coup
[c] decree
12. __________ is the government of the people for the people and for the people.
[a] Coup
[b] Aristocracy
[c] Democracy
13. Local government is also called __________ government.
[a] federal
[b] inside
[c] democracy
14. How many tier of government do we have in Nigeria?
[a] 2
[b] 3
[c] 6
15. __________ is the duty of the local government.
[a] Collection of bribes
[b] Collection of rates
[c] Collection of dowry
Attempt all the question in this section.
1. Define local government.
b. Write 2 duties of local government.
2a. What is Government?
b. State 2 examples of traditional and constitutional government.
3. What is culture and culture diversity?
4a. Explain community leadership.
b. Mention 2 duties of community leader.
5. State government is a body.
b. List 3 tiers of government:
Answer all the questions in this section.
1. __________ family consist of father, mother and the children.
[a] Marriage
[b] Nuclear
[c] Extended
2. A group that related by blood, adoption of manage is __________.
[a] club
[b] union
[c] family
3. The brother of your father or mother is called __________.
[a] cousin
[b] uncle
[c] nephew
4. The children of our uncles and aunts are our __________.
[a] nieces
[b] nephew
[c] cousin
5. The legal union of man and woman as husband and wife is __________.
[a] courtship
[b] marriage
[c] fellowship
6. Polygamy is when a married to __________ at a time .
[a] a wife
[b] many wives
[c] a ghost
7. Caring for one another is one of the __________ to the problems of married people.
[a] causes
[b] solution
[c] cruelty
8. The ways of life of people is called __________.
[a] unity
[b] character
[c] culture
9. The major ethnic group in Nigeria are __________, __________ and __________.
[a] Tiv, ljaw, egun
[b] Igbo, Yoruba, Hausa
[c] Kanuri, Ijaw, ilaje
10. Which of these pattern of dressing not a Nigerian?
[a] shirt and trouser
[b] babariga
[c] Agbada
11. People have different custom because of their differences in __________.
[a] rainfall
[b] names
[c] histories
12. Some of our culture object are preserved in the _______.
[a] church
[b] mosque
[c] museum
13. Religion is the belief in __________.
[a] existence of spirit
[b] existence of God or gods
[c] existence of man and woman
14. __________ pray five times daily.
[a] Traditional worshipper
[b] Christians
[c] Muslims
15. __________ is a similarity among all religions.
[a] the belief in God
[b] love of money
[c] love of food
Attempt all the questions in this section.
A. Define family.
B. State 2 types of family and explain.
A. Define culture.
B. Give 4 elements of culture.
A. Religion simply means __________.
B. Write 3 similarities of religion?
A. Marriage is __________.
B. Give 4 types of marriage.
A. Write 4 problems of marriage?
B. Mention 3 ways of solving marital problems.