First Term SECURITY EDUCATION Mid Term Test Primary 1 (Basic 1)





PREVIOUS LESSON – Security Gadgets – Meaning, Examples and Importance of Security Gadgets Primary 1 (Basic 1) Security Education Term 1 Week 6


Important note for teachers,

choose randomly 10 or 15 questions as the test.


INSTRUCTION – Answer all the questions. 

Choose the correct answer from the options A – C.

1. Security is the state of being free from danger or ________.

A. People

B. family

C. threat 


2. ________ is when you are not feeling safe or free from dangers.


A. Security

B. Insecurity 

C. Peace of mind


3. ________ are the basic information or knowledge of potential harm caused by people or objects.

A. Security facts 

B. Insecurity facts

C. Facts about insecurity


4. ________ is the state of being free from all dangers or harms at home, in the school or anywhere you are.

A. Security 

B. Insecurity

C. Service


5. ________ is someone who you don’t know or one who is not familiar.

A. Family

B. Friend

C. Stranger 


6. Security is the state of being free from danger or ________.

A. People

B. family

C. threat 


7. ________ is when you are not feeling safe or free from dangers.


A. Security

B. Insecurity 

C. Peace of mind


8. ________ are the basic information or knowledge of potential harm caused by people or objects.

A. Security facts 

B. Insecurity facts

C. Facts about insecurity


9. ________ is the state of being free from all dangers or harms at home, in the school or anywhere you are.

A. Security 

B. Insecurity

C. Service


10. ________ is someone who you don’t know or one who is not familiar.

A. Family

B. Friend

C. Stranger 


11. _________ are signal send to inform people of the danger ahead.

A. Security alerts

B. Security man

C. Security signs


12. _________ are tools used for informing people of the danger ahead .


A. Security alerts

B. Security man

C. Security signs


13. Traffic light has _________ colours.

A. 3 

B. 4

C. 5


14. _________ is the signal used to control the free movement of traffic.

A. Traffic movement

B. Traffic lights

C. Traffic man


15. The colour that tells the drivers to stop is _________.

A. green

B. yellow

C. red 


16. The yellow colour tell the drivers to _________.






17. _________ tells the driver to start driving or keep driving.

A. Green 

B. Yellow

C. Red


18. _________ are used for preventing unauthorized persons to gain access.

A. Security cameras

B. Security locked

C. Security lights


19. _________ are used for recording events.

A. Security cameras

B. Security locked

C. Security lights


20. _________ are used for unwanted objects.


A. Security scanners

B. Security vans

C. Security guns


21. _________ are used to move valuable item from one place to another.

A. Security scanners

B. Security vans

C. Security spray


22. _________ are used to escape from a criminal.

A. Security scanners

B. Security vans

C. Security spray


23. _________ are tools used to send signals of places where is a danger.

A. Security lights

B. Security gadgets

C. Security colours 


24. Security colours are also known as _________.

A. safety colour 

B. safety belt

C. Safety rules


In traffic lights,


25. Red means _________.

26. Yellow means _________.

27. Green means _________.


Match the following colours with their meaning.

28. Green                        Severe – risk

29. Yellow                      High – risk

30. Blue                           Elevated – significant risk

31. Red                            Guarded – general risk

32. Orange                    Low – risk



Meaning of Home Security and Security Tips at Home Primary 1 (Basic 1) Term 1 Week 8 Security Education