Introduction (Meaning) to Personal Security | Sources Threat to Personal Security Primary 5 (Basic 5) Term 1 Week 1






PREVIOUS LESSON – Third Term Examination Security Education Primary 4 (Basic 4) – Exam Questions




1. Introduction

2. Meaning of Personal Security

3. Sources of Threat to Personal Security

4. Revision and Weekly Assessment (Test)



By the end of the lesson, most pupils should have attained the following objectives –

1. explain the meaning of personal security.

2. discuss the sources of threat to personal security.



The pupils can identify some of the danger around.



The teacher will teach the lesson with the aid of showing some of the sources of threat.



Choose a suitable and appropriate methods for the lessons.

Note – Irrespective of choosing methods of teaching, always introduce an activities that will arouse pupil’s interest or lead them to the lessons. 



1. Scheme of Work

2. 9 – Years Basic Education Curriculum

3. Course Book

4. All Relevant Material

5. Online Information




Security is the state of being free from all dangers or harms at home, in the school or anywhere you are. That’s, feeling safe at all time. For example, when you at home with the doors or gate are locked, you feel free, safe and relax. Insecurity, on other hand, is when you are not feeling safe or free from dangers.



Personal security is an extra caution taken to ensure your personal safety at all time.



A threat is an event that is likely to cause harm. It is an expression or intention to harm someone.

Sources of threat to personal security are as follows:

1. Rogue

2. Informant

3. Employee

4. Friends and family

5. Creditor or debtor

6. Social media

6. Terrorists

6. Stranger

7. Rapist

8. Kidnapper

9. Ritualist

10. Natural disaster, etc.



Personal security is an extra caution taken to ensure your personal safety at all time while a threat is an event that is likely to cause harm. It an expression or intention to harm someone.

Sources of threat to personal security are as follows:

1. Rogue – Rogue is someone that cannot be trusted because he/she is dishonest and worthless person.

2. Informant – Informant is anyone that provides your personal details to another person without consent.

3. Employer and Employee – An employer is a person who pays people to work him/her. While the employee are people who are paid to work for another people. Employer can threat to fire his/her workers. Likewise, employee can dare his/her employer to try.

4. Friends and Family – Family are people that are closer and related to you while Friends are people that are closer but not necessarily related. Some of these people are rogue and they post danger to your personal life.

5. Creditor or Debtor – The creditor is the one who gives another person money to pay later while debtor is the one who received the money. The inability to the money back in time might post a threat to life and prosperity.

6. Social Media – Social media is an online platform where people interact with one another. It is full of rogue or mischievous person.

6. Terrorists – Terrorists are criminal and violence people who post serious danger to lives and properties.

6. Stranger – Stranger is an unknown person to you. They are likely to post threat to life and prosperity.

7. Rapist – Rape is a forceful sexual intercourse. A rapist is the someone who forcefully have sex with another person with his/her consent.

8. Kidnapper – Kidnapper is someone who forcefully takes another person away.

9. Ritualist – Ritualist is someone who uses another person for sacrifice.

10. Natural disaster – Natural disasters are threat which are beyond human control. For example, flood, diseases, earthquake, etc.



To deliver the lesson, the teacher adopts the following steps:

1. To introduce the lesson, the teacher revises the previous lesson. Based on this, he/she asks the pupils some questions;

2. Teacher organizes the pupils in groups or pair depending on the size of the class.

3. Teacher displays chart showing security officers.

4. Teacher uses the chart lead a discussion on the duties and responsibilities of the officers.

Pupil’s Activities – The pupils participate activities in the class discussion.

5. Teacher uses the groups appropriate responses to introduction the lesson and explains the meaning of personal security.

Pupil’s Activities – the pupils pay attention to the lesson introduction to understand and explain the term, personal security.

6. Teacher leads the groups to identify and discuss the sources of threat to personal security.

Pupil’s Activities – The pupils identify and discuss the sources of threat to personal security.

7. Teacher summarizes the lesson on the board with appropriate evaluation.

Pupil’s Activities – The pupils participate actively in the summary of the lesson by responding to the questions and write as instructed.



To conclude the lesson for the week, the teacher revises the entire lesson and links it to the following week’s lesson.



Meaning of Personal Security | Agents of Personal Security Primary 5 (Basic 5) – Term 2 Week 2 Security Education 



Teacher asks pupils,

1. explain the term, personal security.

2. state five sources of personal security.



INSTRUCTION – Answer all the questions. Choose the correct answer from the options A – C. 

1. _______ is an extra caution taken to ensure your personal safety at all time.

A. Threat

B. Security education

C. Personal security


2. A _______ is an event that is likely to cause harm to a person or group of people.

A. peace

B. war

C. threat


Choose the correct answer from the following options – Rogue, Informant, Employer and employee, Friends and family, Creditor or debtor, Social media, Rape, Rapists, Kidnapper, Natural disaster

3. _______ is someone that cannot be trusted because he/she is dishonest and worthless person.

4. _______ is anyone that provides your personal details to another person without consent.

5. _______ is someone who forcefully takes another person away.

6. _______ is someone who uses another person for sacrifice.

7. _______ are threat which are beyond human control. For example, flood, earthquake,  etc.

8. _______ is a person who pays people to work him/her.

9. _______ are people that are closer and related to you.

10. _______ are people that are closer but not necessarily related.

11.  _______ is the one who gave another person money to pay later.

12. _______ is an online platform where people interact with one another. It is full of rogue people.

13. _______ are criminal and violence people who post serious danger to life and prosperity.

14. _______ is an unknown person to you. It is likely to post threat to life and prosperity.

15. _______ is a forceful sexual intercourse.

16. _______ are people who are paid to work for another people.

17.  _______ is the someone who forcefully have sex with another person with his/her consent.

18. Differentiate between creditor and debtor.

19. Rogue is a dishonest and worthless people. True or False

20. A ritualist is a kidnapper. True or False