Second Term Examination Christian Religious Studies Primary 6 (Basic 6) CRS Exam Questions








SECTION A – Choose the correct answer from the options.

1. __________ involves avoiding excesses in the way things are done.

[a] over indulgence

[b] moderation

[c] intolerance


2. The bible talks about moderation in speech in the book of __________.

[a] 1 timothy 2:9 – 10

[b] James 3 : 2 – 12

[c] Galatians 5 : 21


3. All these are ways of overcoming temptation except __________.

[a] fasting and prayer

[b] cursing

[c] self discipline


4. A person is __________ when he/she persuaded by another person to do something wrong.

[a] killed

[b] tempted

[c] poisoned


5. One of these is not a cause of corruption.

[a] Greed

[b] Patience

[c] Self centredness


6. Paul urged the thessalonians to work hard in which book of the bible?

[a] Genesis

[b] Thessalonians

[c] John


7. A guide for achieving one’s plans is called __________.

[a] misconduct

[b] mismanagement

[c] goal setting


8. Which of these is not a disadvantage of bad decisions?

[a] Sadness

[b] Time wasting

[c] Getting good results


9. __________ is the proper place to express one’s sexuality.

[a] Dating

[b] courting marriage

[c] Marriage


10. Hardwork promotes all these except __________.

[a] success

[b] respect

[c] dishonesty


11. God instructed __________ to sacrifice his only son, lsaac to him.

[a] Abraham

[b] Hannah

[c] Peter


12. All the disciples were filled with the __________ on the day of the Pentecost.

[a] Holy Ghost

[b] Demons

[c] Holy prophets


13. A plan of action reached after through consideration is called __________.

[a] decision

[b] democracy

[c] disagreement


14. It takes several years to achieve __________ term goals.

[a] long

[b] short

[c] medium


15. What a person intends to achieve within a period of time is called __________.

[a] goal

[b] hazard

[c] misfortune


SECTION B – Attempt all questions. 

1a. Define decision making. ____________________


b. Give 4 importance of goal setting:

I. ____________________

II. ____________________

III. ____________________

IV. ____________________


2a. Mention 4 advantages of hardwork:

I. ____________________

II. ____________________

III. ____________________

IV. ____________________


2b. Mention 2 causes of temptation.

I. ____________________

II. ____________________


2c. List 2 ways of overcoming temptation:

I. ____________________

II. ____________________


3a. Define Wealth. ____________________


3b. Mention 4 causes of corruption:

I. ____________________

II. ____________________

III. ____________________

IV. ____________________


4a. Define sexuality. ____________________


4b. Mention 2 areas of christian life that require moderation:

I. ____________________

II. ____________________


4c. What is creation? ____________________


5a. Explain how the relationship within the family should go.



5b. Write a short story on the temptation of Jesus.




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