Third Term Examination Kindergarten (Age 5) Term 3 Exam Questions for All the Subjects

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SECTION A – Choose the correct answer from the options A – C. 

1. Shut the _____.

[a] door

[b] table


2. The rain is _____.

[a] falling

[b] crying


3. l have _____ head.

[a] three

[b] one


4. My school compound has a _____ compound.

[a] big

[b] small


5. l am _____ years old.

6.. The name of my school is _____ international school.

7. My best food is _____.


8. The young ones for Hen is _____.

[a] chicken

[b] chick


9. The young ones for duck is _____.

[a] duckling

[b] sheep


10. Daniel _____ eating bread.

[a] is

[b] are


11. The opposite of father is _____.

[a] mother

[b] sister


12. What is this?

[a] It is a ball.

[b] It is a bag.


13. What is this?


[a] It is a car.

[b] It is a cup.


14. What letter comes after G?

[a] D

[d] H


15. What letter comes before M?

[a] L

[b] Q




Word      and      Opposite

A. Big _____

B. Man _____

C. Boy _____

D. Up _____



Write Out the names of these object.

⚽ _____

🐟 _____

🐅 _____



Write five letter words. _____.



Fill in the Gaps.

I. S __ h o __ l

II. B l __ u __ e

III. B r __ __ m

IV. S n __ k __



Choose the correct answer from the options. 

1. Which days are weekend?

[a] Monday and Tuesday

[b] Saturday and Monday


2. How many days do we have in a week?

[a] 10 days

[b] 7 days


3. The number that comes before 204 is _____.

[a] 205

[b] 203


4. Tick the long objects from these pictures.

[a] _____

[b] __________


How much change will l collect?

5. ₦20 – ₦11 =

[a] ₦9

[b] ₦33


How much did l spent?

6. ₦30 + ₦10 =

[a] ₦20

[b] ₦40


7. Write in words – 15.

[a] Fifteen

[b] Fifty


8. 2 multiply by 5 or  2 X 5 =

[a] 10

[b] 12


9. What are the fraction of the shaded part?

[a] 1/3

[b] 1/2


10. 3 multiply by 12 =

[a] 34

[b] 36


11. Quarter means _____.

[a] four equal parts

[b] half


12. What shapes is this?

[a] Rectangle

[b] Star


13. Examples of even numbers are

[a] 3, 5, 7, 9

[b] 2, 4, 6, 8


14. Examples of odd numbers are

[a] 1, 3, 5, 7

[b] 2, 4, 6, 8


15. The time is _____.

[a] 7’o clock

[b] 8 o’ clock



Choose the correct answer from the options. 

1. H ___ o u s e

[a] o

[b] e


2. A p p l ___

[a] u

[b] e


3. B ___ l l

[a] a

[b] o


4. S n ___ k e

[a] r

[b] a


5. T ___ b l e

[a] a

[b] u


6. D ___ ___ r

[a] ii

[b] oo


7. C h ___ i r

[a] a

[b] u


8. C l ___ c k

[a] s

[b] o


9. B ___ ___ k

[a] uu

[b] oo


10. K n ___ f e

[a] i

[b] r



Choose the correct answer from the options. 

1. We must praise God with all our _____.

[a] stomach

[b] heart


2. Church is the only place where we can praise God.

[a] True

[b] False


3. God created man, in his own _____.

[a] anyhow

[b] image


4. Obedience to God brings us _____.

[a] blessing

[b] hatred


5. As a child of God we must _____ God.

[a] fight

[b] fear


6. The fear of God is the beginning of _____.

[a] wisdom

[b] madness


7. Jesus Christ was born in _____.

[a] church

[b] manger


8. Prayer is a means of communicating with _____.

[a] God

[b] satan


9. Honesty is _____.

[a] good

[b] bad


10. In the beginning God created _____.

[a] yam and egg

[b] heaven and earth


11. Is it good to appreciate God for what he has done?

[a] Yes

[b] No


12. Thanksgiving means been _____ God for what he has done

[a] fighting

[b] appreciating


13. We should _____ our neighbor as ourselves.

[a] fight

[b] love


14. _____ obeyed God.

[a] Abraham

[b] devil


15. Alpha and omega mean?

[a] Now and forever

[b] Beginning and the end




Choose the correct answer from the options. 

1. Safe water must be _____.

[a] tasteless

[b] green in color


2. Drinking dirty water can cause _____.

[a] good health

[b] sickness


3. Purification of water make it safe for _____.

[a] drinking

[b] bathing


4. Water is important to all _____.

[a] non-living things

[b] living things


5. Water born diseases are diseases that lives inside the water.

[a] True

[b] False


6. Cholera and dysentery are water born diseases.

[a] False

[b] True


7. Boiling is one method of _____ purification.

[a] water

[b] petrol


8. Consult your _____ when you have water born diseases.

[a] farmer

[b] doctor


9. We can store water in a _____.

[a] car

[b] bucket


10. Water is a _____.

[a] acid

[b] liquid


11. Alum is another way of purifying.

[a] True

[b] False


12. Guinea worm is a water born diseases.

[a] True

[b] False


13. Kerosene can also be added to make water clean.

[a] True

[b] False


14. A fracture is a _____.

[a] cut

[b] broken bone


15. The first treatment given to an injured person is _____.

[a] second aid

[b] first aid



Choose the correct answer from the options.

1. We need to respect our _____.

[a] teacher

[b] stranger


2. We _____ in the School.

[a] lear

[b] steal


3. Making noise in the church and mosque is bad.

[a] false

[b] true


4. Bad fruits can causes _____.

[a] sickness

[b] joy


5. Orderliness means _____.

[a] scattering anywhere

[b] arranging things in a proper way


6. Our pillow should be in the _____.

[a] sitting room

[b] bedroom


7. Conflict in the community bring peace.

[a] true

[b] false


8. Co – operation in the community brings _____.

[a] unity

[b] hatred


9. We cook in the _____.

[a] kitchen

[b] parlour


10. We sleep in the _____.

[a] bedroom

[b] toilet


11. You must go to school very _____.

[a] late

[b] early


12. Playing rough in the school is _____.

[a] bad

[b] good


13. Rainbow has how many colour?

[a] seven

[b] two


14. A _____ is where we live in.

[a] home

[b] dust bin


15. Responsibility is what we have to do.

[a] No

[b] Yes



Choose the correct answer from the options. 

1. Foul language is _____.

[a] True

[b] False


2. Accident can happen anywhere.

[a] True

[b] False


3. Forced feeding can lead to _____.

[a] death

[b] happiness


4. Yoruba people differentiate their tribes by tribal mark.

[a] Yes

[b] No


5. Reckless driving can cause _____.

[a] peace

[b] accident


6. An accident victim should be taken to _____.

[a] hospital

[b] church


7. Harmful practices can lead to illness.

[a] True

[b] False


8. Harmful practices is dangerous to our health.

[a] True

[b] False


9. Harmful traditional practices will is a _____ act.

[a] good

[b] bad


10. Tribal mark is good.

[a] True

[b] False


11. Tribal mark is an example of harmful traditional practice.

[a] True

[b] False


12. Bleaching is a dangerous act.

[a] True

[b] False


13. Children must not cross busy road alone.

[a] True

[b] False


14. HIV / AIDs can be transmitted by sharing sharp objects with victims.

[a] No

[b] Yes


15. Drug abuse can lead to death.

[a] Yes

[b] No



Choose the correct answer from the options.

1. Dirty environment can cause _____.

[a] Joy

[b] diseases


2. Neat environment is _____.

[a] bad

[b] good


3. Exercise and play help us to grow well.

[a] True

[b] False


4. Bad fruits can cause _____.

[a] Joy

[b] sickness


5. _____ can cause malaria.

[a] mosquito

[b] fire


6. _____ can transmit diseases.

[a] Petrol

[b] Housefly


7. We can wash our hands with petrol.

[a] True

[b] False


8. Sanitation is clearing away all dirty.

[a] Yes

[b] No


9. Diarrhea is excreta Diseases.

[a] true

[b] false


10. We use _____ to wash our hands after using the toilet.

[a] soap with water

[b] oil with water

Get more more KG Civic Education Exam – Third Term Examination Civic Education for KG Classes.


11. Waste materials like sweet nylon, biscuit nylon should be thrown into _____.

[a] our toilet

[b] waste bin


12. Flush is possible with _____.

[a] water system

[b] pit toilet


13. Flushing removes urine and faeces from the toilet.

[a] Yes

[b] No


14. Water related diseases are caused by _____.

[a] gas

[b] water


15. Eating food that is not edible causes _____.

[a] sweat

[b] sickness



Choose the correct answer from the options. 

1. Food supplement are things added to our food to make us healthy.

[a] True

[b] False


2. Food supplement makes our body _____.

[a] weak

[b] grow


3. Vitamin A and B are good examples of food supplement.

[a] True

[b] False


4. _____ gives the body energy.

[a] Milk

[b] Rice


5. _____ gives the body protein.

[a] Yam

[b] Beans


6. Lack of good food supplement can lead to _____.

[a] Sickness

[b] Healthy


9. Alcohol is good for our body.

[a] Yes

[b] No


10. Vegetables and fruits are _____ for the Body.

[a] good

[b] bad


11. We derive vitamin D from sun.

[a] Yes

[b] No


12. Too much of sweets and sugar causes _____.

[a] health

[b] toothache


13. Materials used in feeding is called _____.

[a] equipment

[b] cutlery


14. Drug abuse can lead to _____.

[a] death

[b] happiness


15. Mention 2 types of food you know.

I. _____

II. _____



INSTRUCTION – Choose the correct answer from the options. 

Use the code to form five two letter words. 

Example e a = O R.

a    b   c   d   e   f

R   E   A   S   O   N

1. f e = _____

2. c d = _____

3. e f = _____

4. d e = _____


5. Circle the vowels from the following:

 F   a   t   h   e   r

T   e   a   c   h   e   r

O   r   a   n    g   e


6. Write the numbers ranking of letters:

N      O     P     Q     R

14    15    16    17    18

P = _____  N = _____  O = _____


7. Write a four letter word. _____


Use the letter to form a word.

8. b _____

9. y _____


10. Use the code of indicate the position of the following letters.

A      B       C         D        E

1st  2nd  3rd     4th     5th

E is _____ position

A is _____ position

C is _____ position


Count and write the numbers of the following letter.

11. C L A S S _________

12. S C H O O L _________

13. P A R E N T _________


14. Write three words that begin with “ M “

A. _____  B. _____  C. _____


15. Write three words that begin with “ B “.

A. _____  B. _____  C. _____





1. 12 + ____ = 14

2. 12 + ____ = 15

3. 12 + ____ = 16



4. 10 – ____ = 9

5. 10 – ____ = 8

6. 10 – ____ = 7


7. Write in roman figure

i. 12 _____

ii. 20 _____

iii. 14 _____

iv. 10 _____


8. Circle out the largest number.

i. 200    400   401    410

ii. 499   300   305   310

iii. 412   420   431   500


9. 2 x 12 =

10. 3 x 9 =

11. 3 x 3 =


Write the names of the shapes:

12. _____

13. _____

14. _____

15. _____




Write from 10 – 30.



What says the time?





_____ o’clock




T     U       T      U

4     6           7     5

+ 2     3      +   2     2

___________  ___________

___________  ___________



Take away:

T     U       T      U

4     6           7     5

–  2     3        –  2     2

___________  ___________

___________  ___________



Write out the fraction of the shaded parts:






