Exam Questions – Second Term Examination Agriculture Primary 4 (Basic 4)
Choose the correct answer from the options.
1. _____________________ is not a method of farm produce preservation.
[a] smoking
[b] salting
[c] breaking
2. _____________________ is/are preserved in barn’s
[a] soup
[b] yams
[c] vegetable
3. _____________________ is not away of making soil fertile.
[a] manuring
[b] burning
[c] mulching
4. Cassava is grown from _____________________.
[a] flower
[b] seed
[c] leaves
5. Crops cannot be grown from _____________________.
[a] leaves
[b] seeds
[c] stems
6. Excessive usage of chemical can cause _____________________ to crops.
[a] joy
[b] pain
[c] danger
7. An unwanted plant growing in a farm in _____________________.
[a] beans
[b] weed
[c] rice
8. Flower cannot be raised from _____________________.
[a] leaves
[b] seeds
[c] seedlings
9. _____________________ can be used to kill pests.
[a] chemical
[b] saliva
[c] cloud
10. A person who plants and grows an ornament plant is known as _____________________.
[a] farmer
[b] florist
[c] chemist
11. A plant grown for the purpose of beautification is called _____________________.
[a] weed
[b] forest
[c] ornamental plant
12. _____________________ is an examples of flower.
[a] rose
[b] weed
[c] crops
13. Ornamental plants are _____________________.
[a] weeds
[b] pests
[c] flowers
14. Fertilizer and _____________________ are needed for soil nourishment.
[a] overgazing
[b] manur
[c] erosion
15. Which of these is not a type of soil?
[a] clay soil
[b] sandy soil
[c] cloudy soil
Attempt all the questions.
1. Define ornamental plants.
b. Write 4 steps raising ornamental plant.
I. _______________________________________________________
II. _______________________________________________________
III. _______________________________________________________
IV. _______________________________________________________
2. Explain the word ‘Nursery’.
b. List 3 dangers involve in excessive use of chemical.
I. _______________________________________________________
II. _______________________________________________________
III. _______________________________________________________
3. Write the important of each factor of production.
b. List 4 method of farm produce preservation.
I. _______________________________________________________
II. _______________________________________________________
III. _______________________________________________________
IV. _______________________________________________________
4. List 5 farming tools you know and the explain one of them.
I. _______________________________________________________
II. _______________________________________________________
III. _______________________________________________________
IV. _______________________________________________________
5. What is compost manure.
b. List material needed for compost making.