Second Term Examination Basic Science and Technology Primary 5 (Basic 5)









Answer all the questions in this section. 


Choose the correct answer from the options. 

1. Animals that live around us at home are called _______________________.

[a] wild animals

[b] amphibians

[c] domestics


2. A domestic or tame animal kept for pleasure or companionship is called _______________________.

[a] pal

[b] pet

[c] peer


3. Which of these birds has the ability to mimic the human voice?

[a] eagle

[b] vulture

[c] parrot


4. The longest bone in the human body is the _______________________.

[a] skull

[b] rib

[c] femur


5. _______________________ is a soft tissue found in human beings and most animals.

[a] Blood

[b] Bone

[c] Egg


6. The shoulder and hip joints are examples of _______________________.

[a] fibrous joint

[b] ball & sockets joints

[c] fixed joints



7. _______________________ is the part of flowers stamen where pollen is produced.

[a] Stalk

[b] Petal

[c] Stigma


8. Water is a ____________________________________________________?


9. The process by which water turns into vapour is called _______________________.

[a] solidification

[b] evaporation

[c] sewage


10. Evaporated water becomes solidify through the process of _______________________.

[a] evaporation

[b] condensation

[c] purification


11. Which of the following is very important in the water cycle?

[a] moon

[b] star

[c] sun


12. A rock is a _______________________ material of the earth’s crust often exposed on the surface.

[a] weak

[b] hard

[c] soft



13. A major landmark rock in Abeokuta is _______________________.

[a] ldanre hills

[b] olumo rock

[c] zuma rock


14. _______________________ is not example of local materials used for making soap.

[a] water

[b] granite

[c] palm oil




Attempt all the questions in this section. 


1. Define reproduction.



b. State 4 examples of agent of pollination.

I. ________________________________

II. ________________________________

III. ________________________________

IV. ________________________________



2. Define Water.



3. Explain what you understand by rock.



b. Enumerate 3 types of rock.

I. ________________________________

II. ________________________________

III. ________________________________


4. List 3 properties of acid.

I. ________________________________

II. ________________________________

III. ________________________________


b. ldentify 2 types of acid.

I. ________________________________

II. ________________________________


5. What is acid?



b. Mention 3 local materials for making soap.

I. ________________________________

II. ________________________________

III. ________________________________




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