Third Term Examination Christian Religious Studies (CRS) JSS 2 (Basic 8) Exam Questions Volume 1
INSTRUCTION – Choose the correct answers from the alternatives A – D.
1. Christians celebrate the triumphant entry into Jerusalem as ______.
(a) Easter
(b) Christmas
(c) Holy communion
(d) Palm Sunday
2. ______ was the place of Jesus’ crucifixion.
(a) Gethsemane
(b) Galilee
(c) Rocky tomb
(d) Golgotha
3. Jesus’ riding on the colt of an donkey into Jerusalem fulfilled the prophecy of ______.
(a) Joel
(b) Luke
(c) Zechariah
(d) Malachi
4. Which of these is not a religious law?
(a) Payment of temple tax
(b) Alms giving (c) fasting
(d) Mixing without outcasts
5. Blessed are the meek, for they shall ______.
(a) see God
(b) be called the sons of God
(c) inherit the earth
(d) be satisfied
6. The word ‘Beatitude’ describes the following state of people, except those who are ______.
(a) pompous
(b) prosperous
(c) blessed
(d) happy
7. The parable of ‘the lost sheep’ illustrates ______.
(a) the kingdom of God
(b) God’s love for mankind
(c) maturity and responsibility
(d) forgiveness of sin
8. The Friday in which Jesus died is today observed by Christians as ______.
(a) vigil
(b) boxing day
(c) eucharist
(d) good Friday
9. The council forced Pilate to release ______ in place of Jesus.
(a) Barnabas
(b) Bartholomew
(c) Barabbas
(d) Simon of Cyrene
10. The Great Commission was given for the following reasons except ______.
(a) to bring salvation to mankind
(b) to baptize believers
(c) to make disciples of believers to redeem believers only
11. The women disciples visited the tomb of Jesus ______ days after his burial.
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) 6
12. Who among these prophets was sent by God to announce the birth of Jesus?
(a) Isaiah
(b) Joel
(c) Zechariah
(d) Nehemiah
13. The three disciples who went a little further with Jesus while praying at Gethsemane were ______.
(a) James, John and peter
(b) John, James and Andrew
(c) Peter, James and Simon
(d) John, Peter and Philip
14. The Hebrew word ”E’lo-i, E’lo-i, La’maSabach-thani’ means ______.
(a) Elijah. Elijah, receive my spirit
(b) father, father accept my spirit
(c) my God, my God why has thou forsaken me?
(d) my God, my God why hast thou not let your will be done?
15. One spectacular event that happened immediately Jesus gave up the spirit was that ______.
(a) the women who were keeping watch wept
(b) Elijah appeared to take Him home
(c) He died and ascended into Heaven
(d) the curtain of the temple was torn into two
16. The bread and wine taken during communion service signifies ______.
17. While the mosaic law teaches ‘a tooth for a tooth’ and ‘an eye for an eye’, Jesus enjoins us to ______
18. “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, ______.
19. In the parable of the sower, “the seed” means ______.
20. Complete this quotation, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! ______ Hosanna in the highest”.
Get more CRS Exam Questions – Third Term Examination Christian Religious Studies JSS Classes
INSTRUCTION – Answer any five (5) questions of your choice.
1. What role did the women disciples of Jesus play in the resurrection story?
2. Mention five signs that will accompany those who will obey the great commission.
3. State four significance of the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.
4. Highlight the seven statements of Jesus on the cross before his death.
5. What two things can you say about the Blood of Jesus?
6. Mention five ways in which we can deny Jesus.
7. Briefly narrate the trial of Jesus before Pontius Pilate.
8. Briefly discuss the appearance of Jesus as recounted by Luke’s Gospel.
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