Third Term Examination Number Work Kindergarten – KG (Age 5) – Exam Questions






Choose the correct answer from the options. 

1. Which days are weekend?

[a] Monday and Tuesday

[b] Saturday and Monday


2. How many days do we have in a week?

[a] 10 days

[b] 7 days


3. The number that comes before 204 is ____________.

[a] 205

[b] 203


4. Tick the long objects from these pictures.

[a] ______________

[b] __________


How much change will l collect?

5. ₦20 – ₦11 =

[a] ₦9

[b] ₦33


How much did l spent?

6. ₦30 + ₦10 =

[a] ₦20

[b] ₦40


7. Write in words – 15.



[a] Fifteen

[b] Fifty


8. 2 multiply by 5 or  2 X 5 =

[a] 10

[b] 12


9. What are the fraction of the shaded part?

[a] 1/3

[b] 1/2


10. 3 multiply by 12 =

[a] 34

[b] 36


11. Quarter means ____________.

[a] four equal parts

[b] half


12. What shapes is this?

[a] Rectangle

[b] Star


13. Examples of even numbers are

[a] 3, 5, 7, 9



[b] 2, 4, 6, 8


14. Examples of odd numbers are

[a] 1, 3, 5, 7

[b] 2, 4, 6, 8


15. The time is ____________.

[a] 7’o clock

[b] 8 o’ clock



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