Second Term Examination Agriculture Primary 6 (Basic 6) Agric Exam Questions
SECTION A – Choose the correct answer from the options.
1. Which of these insects cause sleeping sickness?
[a] Mosquito
[b] Moth
[c] Tsetse – fly
2. The climate of a place at a point in time could be any of these except _________.
[a] cloudy
[b] sunny
[c] muddy
3. The atmospheric condition of a place at a point in time is called _________.
[a] weather
[b] vegetation
[c] pollution
4. Early women were all these but not _________.
[a] growers of crops
[b] rearers of animals
[c] hairdresser
5. A large area of land covered with plants is called _________.
[a] compost
[b] vegetation
[c] ocean
6. Which of these is employed by agriculture?
[a] Harvester
[b] Sealers
[c] Dogs
7. Crops need all these to grow well except _________.
[a] adequate water/rainfall
[b] excessive sunlight
[c] good seedling
8. The removal of wild plant growing on the farmland is called _________.
[a] storage
[b] weeding
[c] marketing
9. Aquatic animals are the animals that live in _________.
[a] land
[b] sky
[c] water
10. Dirty environment can lead to spread of _________ in young animals.
[a] starvation
[b] diseases
[c] health
11. Which of these is not a vegetation in the north of Nigeria?
[a] guinea savannah
[b] sudan savannah
[c] sachel savannah
12. What is stumping?
[a] Removal of seeds
[b] Removal of beds
[c] Removal weed
13. Which of these is a pre – planting operation?
[a] Bed preparation
[b] Watering
[c] Weeding
[d] mulching
14. Ruminant animals are animals with _________ stomachs.
[a] 2
[b] 4
[c] 3
15. The crops that may be found in forest area are _________.
[a] cocoa, oil palm, coffee
[b] bitter leaf, water leaf
[c] apple, coffee
SECTION B – Attempt all questions.
1a. Define Climate. ________________.
1b. List 4 elements of climate:
I. ________________
II. ________________
III. ________________
IV. ________________
2a. Give one examples each of crops and animals found in each of these vegetation or forest in Nigeria.
i. Rain forest
ii. swamp forest
2b. State two non – ruminant animals:
I. ________________
II. ________________
3a. Mention 4 climatic factors that determined the distribution of crops and animals:
I. ________________
II. ________________
III. ________________
IV. ________________
3b. Define crop production. ________________
4a. Define pre – planting activities. ________________
4b. Mention 4 activities pre – planting:
I. ________________
II. ________________
III. ________________
IV. ________________
5. Define post planting activities. ________________
b. Mention 4 activities in post planting:
I. ________________
II. ________________
III. ________________
IV. ________________
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