First Term Examination Mathematics Primary 6 (Basic 6) Exam Questions










INSTRUCTION – Choose the correct answer from the options. 

1. One million has _____ digits.

[a] 6

[b] 8

[c] 7


2. How many digits are there in one billion?

[a] 10

[b] 9

[c] 3


3. Express 2 583 512 in figures.

[a] Twenty five thousand eight hundred and two

[b] Two million nine hundred and two

[c] Two million, five hundred and three thousand five and twelve


4. The value of 6 in 2 7 4 . 1 6 8 is the same as _____.

[a] 6/1000

[b] 6/100

[c] 6/10


5. Simplify 8 1/2 + 4 3/7 + 1/7.

[a] 12 5/4

[b] 13 1/14

[c] 12 1/7


6. Multiply 243 by 432.

[a] 104 976

[b] 243 332

[c] 100 496



7. Share 360 mangoes equally among 12 children.

[a] 60

[b] 14

[c] 0.123


8. If a student got 70% out of a total of 120 marks. How many did he get?

[a] 190 marks

[b] 12 marks

[c] 84 marks


9. 28 593 + 483 + 4 833 = N, What is the value of N?

[a] 43 909

[b] 53 909

[c] 33 909


10. A farmer has fifty thousand cows, three hundred and twenty pigs. How many animal altogether does it have?

[a] 183 323

[b] 50 320

[c] 14 834


11. Deduct 258 777 from 310 000.

[a] 51 223

[b] 56 8721

[c] 25 411


12. Simplify (124 – 36)/4

[a] 86

[b] 67

[b] 68


13. Find the LCM of 24, 40 and 60.

[a] 140

[b] 120

[c] 124



14. Arrange this fractions in descending order 1/2, 1/8, 1/4, 1/3.

2 8 4 3

[a] 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/8

[b] 1/4, 1/8, 1/3, 1/2

[c] 1/3, 1/2, 1/8, 1/4


15. Round off this figure 4. 223 to the nearest 100.

[a] 40 000

[b] 4 000

[c] 40




INSTRUCTION – Answer any four questions. 


A. Write in words. 

i. 285 000 000 000

ii. 28 533 555


B. Write in figure.

i. Twenty million, two hundred thousand and twenty.

ii. Thirty billion and three.


QUESTION 2 – Simplify the following:

i. 1 1/4 + 2 2/3

ii. 4 3/4 – 2 3/6

iii. 2 1/2 x 12

iv. 5/7 = a/28



A. Multiply 42.4 X 1.2l.

B. Find the square root of 81.

C. 23 x (56/7) =

D. Simplify 273 x ( 2/3 of 12).



A. Find the LCM of the following:

i. 26, 34

ii. 6, 15 and 50


B. Find the HCF of the following:

i. 40, 24 and 60

ii. 13, 39



A. A man bought 9kg of fish #1800 per kilogram. How much did he spend?

B. Twelve waiters earn # 9420 in tips. How much should each waiter receive ?

C. If you subtract 2389 from a certain number, the remainder is 4887, What is that number.

D. In a city there are 147892 men, 846 264 women and 673 498 children. How many people are there in the city.





INSTRUCTION – Answer all the questions in this section. 

1. Write 10,000,000 in words.

[ a ] one million

[ b ] ten million

[ c ] hundred million


2. What is the value of 5 in 4 24.536?

[ a ] 5/10

[ b ] 5/100

[ c ] 5/1000


3. What is the value of 7 in 284567.1?

[ a ] 7

[ b ] 70

[ c ] 700


4. Find the L. C. M of 30 and 72.

[ a ] 30

[ b ] 50

[ c ] 360


5. Find the H. C. F. of 84 and 16

[ a ] 6

[ b ] 4

[ c ] 7



6. What is the biggest number which divide 40, 60 and 70 without leaving remainder?

[ a ] 25

[ b ] 10

[ c ] 15


7. The sides of a rectangle are in the ratio 2:5. The longer side is 20cm. Find the shorter side.

[ a ] 9cm

[ b ] 10cm

[ c ] 8cm


8. Write in figure, Eight billion, seven hundred and sixty five million, four hundred and thirty two thousand, five hundred and forty three.

[ a ] 8, 765, 432, 543

[ b ] 8, 765, 4300, 50043

[ c ] 8, 800765, 43200, 543


9. Two men share the cost of a business in the ratio 5:3. The smaller share is ₦600.00. Find the cost of the bigger share?

[ a ] ₦1, 000

[ b ] ₦2, 000

[ c ] ₦1, 200


10. Convert to binary number 1101 base 2 to 10.

[ a ] 5

[ b ] 6

[ c ] 8


11. The number of workers in a company was 300. The workers are now increased with 15% . How many workers are now in the company?

[ a ] 500 workers

[ b ] 225 workers

[ c ] 345 workers


12. Evaluate 12 x 10 =

[ a ] 102

[ b ] 120

[ c ] 210



13. Hassan has five large farms. He got these weights of maize from each farm 4567 kg, 5315 kg, 5621 kg , 5746 kg and 071 kg respectively. What is the total weight of Maize he gets from the farm altogether?

[ a ] 22430 kg

[ b ] 21320 kg

[ c ] 32120 kg


14. A bottle contains 1307 cl of milk, Michael drinks 355 cl while watching a television programme. How many cl remains?

[ a ] 1662 cl

[ b ] 560 cl

[ c ] 952 cl


15. A trailer can carry 625 bags of cocoa. How many bags will 265 trailers carry?

[a ] 360, 000 bags

[ b ] 160, 000 bags

[ c ] 160, 000, 000 bags




INSTRUCTION – Answer any four questions. 


A. Write in words. 

i. 76 000 936

ii. 11 205 700 200

iii. 41 000 000


B. State the place value of 1, 3, and 7 in, 

i. 67, 003, 412

ii. 43, 271, 860

iii. 7, 015, 309



A. Convert from base10 to base two:

i. 2510

ii 3210

iii. 1710


B. Convert from base two to base 10.

i. 101 base 2

ii. 1011 base 2

iii. 112 base 2




A. Find the H. C. F of the following:

i. 21 and 84

ii. 720 and 540


B. Find the L.C.M of the following:

i. 18, 30 and 36

ii. 72 and 144



A. Write the following in expanded form:

i. 134.328

ii. 0.498


B. Express the following ratio in their lowest term:

i. 15 : 5

ii. 6 : 9 : 18

iii. 25 : 75


C. A car travelling at 40 km / h completes a journey in 2 hours. How long will it take it to complete the same journey if the is reduced to 30 km /h?



A. A college has a population 2000 students, 860 of the students are girls. What is the percentage of the boys in the school?


B. Simplify:

i. ₦400 by 8%

ii. 30km by 20%

iii. 1/3 + 1/2 + 1/4

iv. 1 1/8 + 2 1/8 + 3 2/5

v. 16 1/3 – 13 1/3


C. Out of 3/5 take away 3/7. 



A. Simplify the following:

i. 12.153 + 13.406 + 17.112 + 20.101

ii. 878.111 – 234.156


B. Find:

i. 925 x 423

ii. 612 x 234

iii. 18.27 divided by 7

iv. 494 divided by 13


