Second Term Examination Cultural and Creative Arts (CCA) Upper Primary Schools Exam Questions










INSTRUCTION – Circle the correct answer.

1. ______ is mashed or Pounded paper soaked in starch to form paste.

A. Moulding

B. Modelling

C. Papier mache

D. Paper craft


2. ______ is unwanted sound that is unpleasant, loud, and disruptive to the ear.

A. Sound

B. Noise

C. Music

D. Talk


3. ______ are lengths of strong cord made by twisting together strands of natural or artificial fibres.

A. Threads

B. Snakes


D. Ropes


4. ______ instruments are made with stretched membrane or animal skin.

A. Aerophone

B. Membranophone

C. Idiophone

D. Chordophone


5. ______ is any artistic performance that is prepared, rehearsed and presented for the enjoyment of an audience.

A. Dance

B. Theatre

C. Storytelling

D. Singing



6. A/An ______ is the assembled spectators or listeners at a public event such as a play, film,concert, or meeting.

A. player

B. actor

C. audience

D. teacher


7. A/An ______ is a person who is in charge of an activity, department,or organisation.

A. actor

B. writer

C. producer

D. director


8. ______ are the garments worn by the actors and actresses to act on stage.

A. Costumes

B. Shoes

C. Make-up

D. Jewellery


9. What language is the phrase ‘papier mache’ derived from?

A. German

B. French

C. Spanish

D. English


10. Which of the following is a natural source of sound?

A. Car

B. Radio

C. Thunder

D. Musical instruments



11. Which of the following is not a method of sound production?

A. Hitting

B. Sleeping

C. Beating

D. Blowing


12. What is the English name for ‘goje’?

A. Slit wooden drum

B. Flute

C. Piano

D. One string fiddle


13. Theatre is performed in front of ______.

A. an audience

B. teachers

C. students

D. parents


14. What is a story that makes meaningful statements about our society?

A. Dance

B. Storytelling

C. Drama

D. Theatre


15. What makes actors and actresses look like the characters they are imitating?

A. Make-up

B. Jewellery

C. Story

D. Costumes



16. Which of the following is not a Nigerian playwright?

A. Wole Soyinka

B. Shakespeare

C. Ene Henshaw

D. Ola Rotimi


17. What object can you papier mache?

A. Spoon

B. Knife

C. Clothes

D. Glass


18. What are fictional people whose story is narrated in a play called?

A. Actors

B. Dancers

C. Characters

D. Directors


19. The ______ serves as a middleman between the script and the audience.

A. director

B. actor

C. student

D. producer


20. ______ in play-acting means imitating the way another person talks, walks, or behaves.

A. Characterisation

B. Make-up

C. Jewellery

D.. Shoes




INSTRUCTION – Answer all the questions. 

1. What materials are used for making papier mache?

2. What are chordophone instruments?

3. What is moonlight storytelling?

4. Write any two differences between drama and theatre.

5. What are the main components of play-acting?




INSTRUCTION – Circle the correct answer.

1. ______ is the art of using scraps and making images.

A. Frame

B. Collage

C. Print



2. ______ is the ability to last a very long time.

A. Durability

B. Project




3. ______ is a flat piece of wood in memory of a person or an event.

A. Disk

B. Plate

C. Plaque

D. Tray


4. ______ is cutting away part of wood.

A. Shredding

B. Craving


D. Carving


5. ______ is to be able to say who someone is.

A. Mission

B. Portray

C. Identify

D. Ideate



6. ______ is the way something feels, like hard or soft.

A. Texture

B. Mixture

C. Tenure

D. Term


7. ______ is making something smooth by rubbing it down.

A. Carving

B. Mixing


D. Sanding


8. Part of a ceremony is called a ______.

A. marathon

B. ritual

C. Olympiad

D. family


9. A ______ is something that works together with another thing.

A. companion

B. creator

C. writer

D. painter


10. ______ means putting things into a group based on characteristics.

A. Arrange

B. Settle

C. Circulate

D. Classification



11. A collage made from photographs is called ______.

A. art

B. photomontage

C. network

D. abstract


12.  ______ is used for building houses and roofing.

A. Plants

B. Fruits

C. Wood

D. Water


13. ______ are used to keep cutting tools sharp.

A. Rocks

B. Marbles

C. Whetstones

D. Tiles


14. Traditional head wears are cultural ______.

A. postures

B. symbols

C. festivals

D. spaces


15. Ebony wood is ______ in colour.

A. red

B. brown

C. orange

D. black



16. We use movements and ______ in traditional dance to reflect our cultural beliefs and history.

A. gestures


C. turning

D. rolls


17. Traditional head wears can be used to promote ______.

A. cultures



D. ethnicity


18. Bubinga, Mahogany,and Ebony are common in ______.


B. painting

C. craft making

D. stitching


19. What is an artwork created with many pieces of coloured stone?

A. Mosaic

B. Portrait

C. Landscape

D. Sculpture


20. What religion first made use of mosaics?

A. Christianity

B. Islam


D. Buddhism




INSTRUCTION – Answer with a short response.

1. How can woods be classified?

2. What is a companion to a coping saw?

3. What can we use traditional head wears to identify?

4. What kind of dances are Skelewu and Makossa ?

5. What is sanding used for in a project?




INSTRUCTION – Circle the correct answer.

1. Which is NOT a vocal part?

A. Soprano

B. Alto

C. Tenor

D. Belter


2. What is a choir?

A. A group of actors.

B. A group of singers.

C. A group of artists.

D. A group of instrumentalists.


3. What is plot?

A. The characters in a drama.

B. What happens in a drama.

C. The moral message of a drama.

D. How the stage is set up during the performance of a drama.


4. What happens during characterization?

A. Actors are chosen to play characters.

B. Actors memorize their stage directions.

C. Actors memorize their lines.

D. Actors learn to act like their characters.


5. What is the written text of a drama called?

A. A book

B. A play

C. A script

D. Actor lines



6. What does scenery show in a drama?

A. Where the drama is taking place

B. The items on stage

C. The special clothing actors wear in a drama

D. All of the above


7. What can natural gas and crude oil be used for?

A. Art

B. Fuel

C. Cooking

D. Building


8. What is the space between two bar lines called?

A. A measure

B. A rest

C. A staff

D. A beat


9. What do double bar lines show?

A. The end of a measure

B. The end of a song

C. A rest

D. A change in rhythm


10. Which note is held for half a beat?

A. Quaver

B. Crotchet

C.. Rest

D. Semi breve



11. Which rest is held for four beats?

A. Minim rest

B. Quaver rest

C. Crotchet rest

D. Semi breve rest


12. How many beals is a minim held for?

A. Half a beat

B. One beat

C. Two beats

D. Four beats


13. Who sings the bass part in a song?

A. A boy with a high range

B. A girl with a high range

C. A boy with a middle to low range

D. A girl with a middle to low range


14. What natural resource can be used to build with cement?

A. Clay


C. Diamonds

D. Crude oil


15. What does dynamics mean in music?

A. How loud or quiet a song is.

B. How fast or slow a song is.

C. How long or short a song is.

D. How many vocal parts are in a song.



16. A regular, repeating pattern of sound is a ______.

A. rhythm

B. steady beat

C. song

D. melody


17. What is a rest in music?

A. The way vowels and Consonants are sung.

B. The main tune in a piece of music.

C.A period or moment of silence.

D. A unit of musical rhythm.


18. What is melody in music?

A. The way vowels and Consonants are sung.

B. The main tune in a piece of music.

C. A period or moment of silence.

D. A unit of musical rhythm.


19. The span from the lowest to the highest note a person can sing is called ______.

A. melody

B. dynamics

C. soprano

D. vocal range


20. All singers in a choir sing the same ______.

A. piece of music

B. vocal part

C. melody

D. notes




INSTRUCTION – Answer all the questions. 

1. What must actors do in an improvised drama?

2. What is an understudy?

3. What natural resources are used for art?

4. Draw a vase or bowl you could mould with clay.