Second Term Computer Studies Mid Term Test and Break Primary 3 (Basic 3)
















Meaning of Input Devices | Examples of Input Devices


1.  _______________ are parts of the computer used to send data (information) and commands out of the computer system.

A. Input devices

B. Output devices

C. input and output devices


2. _______________ are parts of the computer used to send data (information) and commands into the computer system, e.g. monitor, speakers, etc.

A. Input devices

B. Output devices

C. input and output devices


3. What is input devices?

A. Input devices are parts of the computer used to send data and commands into computer system.

B. Input devices are parts of the computer used to receive data and commands from computer system.

C. Input devices are parts of the computer used to send and receive data and commands to/from computer system.


Uses of Computer Keyboard as Input Device


4. A computer keyboard is one of the input devices used with ___________________.

A. system unit

B. Computer Keyboard

C. Computer System


5. The features of computer keyboard that contains A – Z is known as ___________________.

A. Numeric keys

B. Alphabetic keys

C. Function keys


6. The features of computer keyboard that contains 0 – 9 is known as ___________________.

A. Numeric keys



B. Alphabetic keys

C. Function keys


7. The features of computer keyboard that contains F1 – F12 is known as ___________________.

A. Numeric keys

B. Alphabetic keys

C. Function keys


8. The features of computer keyboard that contains @ # ₦ & ( ) is known as ___________________.

A. Special keys

B. Alphabetic keys

C. Function keys


Uses of Computer Mouse as Input Device


9. A _________________ is an input device that move a cursor around a personal computer on a flat board.

A. Computer system

B. computer mouse

C. Computer monitor


10. Why computer mouse is called a mouse?

A. Because it is a mouse.

B. Because it looks like a mouse.

C. Because it is not a mouse.


11. _________________ is used for selecting or moving texts, icons, files, and folders.

A. Computer system

B. computer mouse

C. Computer monitor


Uses of Computer Joystick as Input Device


12. _______________ is an input device that control (move) a character or machine in a computer game.

A. Computer joy

B. Computer stick

C. Computer joystick


13. Computer joystick got its name from a flight simulator in a _______________.

A. Car



B. Boat

C. Plane


14. Which one of the following is not an input device?

A. Printer

B. Mouse

C. Joystick


Meaning of Output Devices | Examples of Output Devices


15. Monitor and printer are _______________.

A. Input devices

B. Output devices

C. input and output devices


16. Monitor and keyboard are _______________.

A. Input devices

B. Output devices

C. input and output devices


17. Mouse and keyboard are _______________.

A. Input devices

B. Output devices

C. input and output devices


18. Headphone and speaker are _______________.

A. Input devices

B. Output devices

C. input and output devices


19. All input and output devices are computer hardware.

A. True

B. False

C. No


20. Joystick and mouse are _______________.

A. Input devices



B. Output devices

C. input and output devices




Uses of Monitor and Printer as Output Devices Primary 3 (Basic 3)