Exam Questions – Second Term Examination Home Economics Primary 2 (Basic 2) All the Subjects
Choose the correct answer from the options.
1. _______________ is found in the bed.
[a] bed
[b] book
[c] pencil
2. All these are required for bathing except _______________.
[a] Water
[b] Sponge
[c] Fire
3. A bedroom is a place where we _______________ and relax.
[a] sleep
[b] fight
[c] play
4. These are all the things needed for bathing expect _______________.
[a] soap
[b] water
[c] stone
5. We take our bath _______________.
[a] regularly
[b] once in a week
[c] monthly
6. We can find _______________ in the sitting room.
[a] table
[b] pot
[c] stove
7. A bathroom is where we _______________.
[a] eat
[b] bath
[c] cook
8. _______________ is the way we eat during our meals.
[a] Food manner
[b] Run manner
[c] Table manner
9. Sitting room is the way we entertain _______________.
[a] visitors
[b] goat
[c] lion
10. Food can be classified into how many groups.
[a] 4
[b] 6
[c] 3
11. _______________ is a place where we eat our food.
[a] Bedroom
[b] Dinning room
[c] Toilet
12. _______________ are foods that consist all classes of food.
[a] Table food
[b] Yam
[c] Balance diet
13. Homes are made up of different _______________.
[a] toilet
[b] kitchen
[c] room
14. We can find _______________ in the dinning room.
[a] bed
[b] table
[c] water closet
15. It is _______________ to sweep the room always.
[a] bad
[b] good
[c] useless
Attempt all questions in this section.
1. Mention 4 things required for bathing.
I. ________________________________
II. ________________________________
III. ________________________________
IV. ________________________________
2. What is table manner and mention 3 things we must not do while eating?
A table manner is _________________________________________________.
I. ________________________________
II. ________________________________
III. ________________________________
3. List 5 different rooms in the home.
I. ________________________________
II. ________________________________
III. ________________________________
IV. ________________________________
V. ________________________________
4. List 3 way of caring for our sitting room.
I. ________________________________
II. ________________________________
III. ________________________________
5. List 4 times of the day that body should be washed.
I. ________________________________
II. ________________________________
III. ________________________________
IV. ________________________________